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Instituto de Difusion Budista-Chile IDB

Address:   La Concepción 109, Providencia, Santiago, Chile. 7500010
Tradition: Non-Sectarian
Phone: 988919856
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Main Contact: Humberto Barahona  Email  (Phone: 9 88919856)
Notes and Events:

El Instituto de Difusión Budista en una plataforma para conocer todas las formas tradicionales del Budismo: Theravada, Mahayana, Vajrayana. Ofrece una visión amplia de las enseñanzas fundamentales y una aproximación práctica a las formas de meditación experimentadas y enseñadas por el Buda. Luego, las personas pueden elegir libremente la tradición budista que sienten más conveniente para ellas. El IDB también procura facilitar la visita a Chile, de maestros calificados de todas las tradiciones budistas.

International Buddhist College

Address: 88, Mu 2, Thung Mo Subdistrict, Khuan Sato,  Amphoe Sadao Songkhla 90240
Tradition: Non-Sectarian
Phone: 66-74-268754 or 66-74-268755
Fax: 66-74-268756
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Teacher: Dr. FaQing  
Spiritual Director: Rev. Wei Wu  
Notes and Events:

IBC offers students a unique opportunity of experiencing a comprehensive and in-depth study of Buddhism from a non-sectarian point of view, while promoting knowledge and understanding of the different schools and traditions within Buddhism.

International Buddhist Confederation

Address: Room No 330, 330A, 331, 331A, Vigyan Bhawan Annexe,   NEW DELHI 110011
Tradition: Non-Sectarian
Phone: +91-11-23022364
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Notes and Events:

Under the banner: Collective Wisdom: United Voice, the attendees of the GBC unanimously adopted a resolution to form an international umbrella body – the International Buddhist Confederation (IBC). The purpose of this body is to create a role for Buddhism on the global stage so as to help to preserve our heritage, share our knowledge, and promote our values and to represent a united front for Buddhism to enjoy meaningful participation in the global discourse.

Regardless of the doctrinal differences within the rich and varied Buddhist traditions, there is far more that unites us than divides, and the IBC provides the foundation for the growth and development of this common ground. The IBC is blessed to include the Holy Sangha and eminent representatives of Buddhist lineages, organizations, institutions, and monastic bodies worldwide as Founding Members and Signatories to its Charter.

International Buddhist Donation Fund

Address: Slezska 140   130 00 Prague 3 Praha (Prague)
Tradition: Theravada
Phone: +420 608 917 772
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Czech Buddhist monks and nuns: Ven. Dhammadipa Thera, Ven. Gavesako, Ven Suneetha, Ven. Vineetha, Ven. Visuddhi  
Czech meditation teachers: Dr. Veronika Nevolova, Dr. Karel Hajek, Daniel Kaucky, Slavek Keprt, Michal Horak  
Teacher: Ven. Pemasiri Thera  
Main Contact: Pavel Kovarik  Email  
Notes and Events:

The IBDF supports the development of the Buddha Dhamma in the Czech Republic and abroad. This includes support to Buddhist monks & nuns, support to local Buddhist groups and individuals, organisation of retreats and lectures, educational and publication activities and the support of establishment of a Buddhist monastery in the Czech Republic.

International Buddhist Foundation

Address: 1227 Les Acacias, Quai des Vernets 1 Quai des   Les Acacias Geneve 1227
Tradition: Theravada
Affiliation: NGO of the United Nations
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Head Geneva Buddhist Vihara and President IBF: Ven. Halyale Wimalarathana Thero  Email  (Phone: 022 3010859)
Main Contact: Ven. Halyale Wimalarathana Thero  Email  (Phone: 022 3010859)
Spiritual Director: Ven. Walpola Kalyanatissa Thero  Email  (Phone: 07921234699)
Notes and Events:

Aims and Objectives

Founder Members of the IBF proclaimed that the aims and objectives of the Foundation are to: a) contribute to the promotion of lasting peace through the teachings of the Lord Buddha (the Dhamma); b) promote the practice of the Buddhist way of life, which is compatible with the universal norms of moral and social ethics among the world community; c) encourage studies and discussions that will increase public awareness of the Buddhist philosophy in the promotion of universal peace and understanding and provide facilities for learning Buddhism; d) foster friendship and harmony with the Swiss and international communities; e) provide opportunities for meditation leading to awareness and mental discipline; f) mobilise resources and provide humanitarian assistance; g) maintain dialogue with other world religions.

Geneva Buddhist Vihara

As provided for in the Constitution, the IBF established the Geneva Buddhist Vihara at the Seat of the Foundation in Geneva on 08 March 1992 and it has continued to invite Resident Monks to give effect to achieving the aims and objectives of the Foundation.

The Vihara is the place of worship, according to Buddhist tradition and learned monks residing at the venue conduct routine programmes of services to assist the lay devotees in promoting the Dhamma way of life.

International Buddhist Meditation Temple of New Zealand

Address: 631 Huia Road, Parau, Titirangi, Auckland 1007 NZ   Auckland
Tradition: Mahayana, Korea Seon (Zen)
Phone: 09-817 3450
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Founder: Ven. Baba Moohar  
Teacher: Ven. Dong In  
Notes and Events:

A Temple located in Parau, Auckland, New Zealand. Surrounded by beautiful native bush and set in the Waitakere Ranges.

The Temple focuses on the teachings of traditional Korean Seon Meditation.

Wednesdays at 7 pm meditation classes are held, all are welcome.

International Buddhist Mission Trust

Address:   Jalandhar Punjab 144008
Tradition: Non-Sectarian
Phone: 00919815518068
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Main Contact: Baldev Raj  Email  (Phone: 0091-9815518068)
Notes and Events:

International Buddhist Mission Trust is working in India and some other countries with the help of its wings named as 1.Dr. Ambedkar Welfare Society 2.Buddh Dharm Parchar Samti 3. Bodhisatva Ambedkar Education Society.

The main aim of IBMT is to propagate Ambedkaride Buddhism , welfare of  society and establishment of educational , religious & welfare centers for the welfare of Humanity.

Head Quarters of IBMT is situated at Ambedkar Buddha Vihar Jinda Road near Guru Ravidass Nagar Maqsudan Jalandhar.

Membership of these organisations is open to all in general. IBMT and its religious wing Buddh Dharm Parchar Samti is the founder of present Buddhist movement in Punjab as well as the pioneer of modern concept of Buddhist Movement being supported by the NRIs living in UK, USA, Canada, Italy and other countries of the world.

International Buddhist Progress Society NC

Address: 2529 Prince Drive, Raleigh. NC 27606   Raleigh NC 27606
Tradition: Mahayana, Pure Land / Ch\\'an (Zen, Linchi)
Affiliation: Fo Guang Shan
Phone: (919) 816-9866
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Spiritual Director: Ven. Master Hsing Yun  
Notes and Events:

    International Buddhist Progress Society NC\\\'s temple is an American branch of the Buddhist order, Fo Guang Shan (Buddha\\\'s Light Mountain). We seek to end suffering for all sentient beings with the practice of Mahayana (Chan and Pure Land) and Humanistic Buddhism. We achieve this goal through education, charity, cultural programs and Dharma propagation. Cultivating kindness, compassion, and wisdom, we reach out to ourselves, our community and society at large.

Objectives of Fo Guang Shan
To propagate Buddhist teachings through cultural activities
To foster talent through education
To benefit society through charitable programs
To purify human hearts and minds through Buddhist practice.

International Buddhist Training Bhopal

Address: 168,Buddhabhoomi Mahavihar ,golden buddha statue, chunabhatti,Kolar Road,Bhopal   Bhopal Madhya Pradesh 462001
Tradition: Theravada
Affiliation: The Buddhabhoomi Dhammadoot Sangha
Phone: +919926220408
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Main Contact: ven.bhante aaryaputra rahul  Email  (Phone: +919009007043)
Teacher: ven.bhadant shakyaputra sagar  
Spiritual Director: Bhante Shakyaputra Sagar  Email  (Phone: +919926220408 )
Notes and Events:

International Buddhist Training Bhopal is committed to the cause of reviving, preserving and propagating Buddhist tradition and culture. Regular Buddhist practices, Chanting, Meditation, Periodical Celebrations are conducted in the vihara complex. Group of resident monks are available for Dhamma discourse and monastic training. Buddhist literatures in English and other local languages are available for interested readers.

International Dhammadayada Ordination Program (IDOP)

Address: 23/2 Moo7 Tambol Klong Sarm   Klong Luang, Pathumthani province Pathum Thani 12120
Tradition: Theravada
Affiliation: Dhammakaya Temple
Phone: 66 944947649
Fax: None
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Teacher: Phra Rajbhavanajahn  
Main Contact: Ven. Samarth Govito  Email  (Phone: 66 944947649)
Notes and Events:

The main purpose of ordaining is to free yourself from worldly commitments and worries so that you may have the opportunity to fully commit yourself to meditation and break away from the shackles of desire so that you may find true happiness.

Monks manage to free themselves from worldly desire by fulfilling the daily routine required of them by the tenets laid down by the Lord Buddha. In this case, the word ‘duty’ (kicavatra) is a compound made up of two words: ‘kica’ and ‘vatra’.

‘Kica’ means duties that are so important that they are considered compulsory. ‘Vatra’ means things that are advisable do, although not required. If you choose not do these latter, the consequences may not be disastrous – they do not break the monastic discipline – but they could result in the lessening of respect by those who support the monks out of faith. However, if you comply with these activities, the level of respect accorded on you will only improve and strengthen. These items of daily routine will also help to free you from worldly desire.

International Institute of Theravāda

Address: Heenetikalma   Karuwalagaswewa
Tradition: Theravada, Śrī Kaḷyāṇī Yogāśrama Saṃsthā
Phone: +(94)760908841/ +(94)767253178
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Teacher: Venerable Maggavihari  
Spiritual Director: Venerable Devananda  
Venerable : Vijitanandabhivamsa  (Phone: +(94)767253178)
Notes and Events:

To groom and capacitate the Buddhist monk who is capable in:
• Attaining the ultimate liberation, the Nirvāṇa
• Guiding others (both clergy and laity) in attaining the ultimate liberation, the Nirvāṇa 
• prolongating the sāsana by performing formal acts in the code of discipline (Vinaya Kammas) according to the exact teaching of The Buddha

The International Institute of Theravada (IIT), a fully-fledged training institute based on Theravada teachings is dedicated to the spiritual and academic development of Buddhist monks irrespective of sects (Nikaya) and other differences.
A group of competent monk-disciples (who have completed Theravada Buddhist education in Myanmar and exposed different traditions in Thailand and elsewhere) of the Late Most Venerable Nā-Uyane Ariyadhamma Mahāthera, the vice president of the Śrī Rāmañña Mahānikāya and the Supreme Head of the Śrī Kaḷyāṇī Yogāśrama Saṃsthā, and also affiliated to the well-known Nā-Uyana Forest Monastery, Malsiripura, has already commenced initial work in establishing IIT at Karuwalagaswewa, Sri Lanka with the blessings and guidance of senior Mahātheras of both Rāmañña Mahānikāya and Amarapura Mahānikāya. 

International Kadampa Retreat Center Grand Canyon

Address: 6701 E Mountain Ranch Road   Williams, Arizona 86046
Tradition: Mahayana, Kadampa
Affiliation: New Kadampa Tradition
Phone: 928-637-6232
Website: http:://
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Teacher: Gen-la Kelsang Jampa  
Main Contact: Michelle Gauthier  Email  (Phone: 928-637-6232)
Notes and Events:

IKRC Grand Canyon is an international retreat center for meditation and modern Buddhism. Everyone is welcome to visit and enjoy the peaceful environment or join in any of our weekly classes, meditation courses and retreats offered throughout the year.

International Order of Buddhist Ministers

Address: 7833 Emerson Place, Rosemead, Ca 91770   Rosemead 91770
Tradition: Non-Sectarian, Founded by Ven. Chao Chu, President , LABU
Phone: 626-280-1213
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Main Contact: Rev. Sean Thompson  Email  (Phone: 323-459-8524)
Teacher: Rev. Sam Haycraft  
Spiritual Director: Ven. Chao Chu  (Phone: 626-280-1213)
Notes and Events:

“The mission of the International Order of Buddhist Ministers is to maintain a legitimate organization of dedicated lay Buddhists to encourage proficiency in learning and teaching the Buddha Dharma.”

Purpose: Secretary of state September 4, 2008 #3161948

International Zen Centre of the Galilee

Address:   Beit Lehem Haglilit 36007
Tradition: Zen Master Seung Sahn
Affiliation: The Kwan Um School of Zen
Phone: 0523993461
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Teacher: Shon Prem Bon Soeng  
Main Contact: Rebecca Ward  Email  (Phone: 0528811424)

Iowa Buddhist Vihara

Tradition: Theravada
Affiliation: Minnesota Buddhist Vihara
Phone: (612) 522 1811
Spiritual Director: Witiyala Seewalie Thera  Email  (Phone: (612) 522 1811)
Notes and Events:

The mission of the Iowa Buddhist Vihara is to share the Buddha\\\'s message of Peace and Happiness and help create peace and harmony within and ourselves and in the surrounding world.

Iqaluit Soto Zen Group / Groupe de Zen Sôtô d'Iqaluit

Address: SAimavik Yoga Studio, Bldg No. 754, Ben Ell Drive, Iqaluit, Nunavut   Iqaluit Nunavut X0A0H0
Tradition: Mahayana, Soto Zen (Matsuoka and Uchiyama)
Affiliation: Silent Thunder Order
Phone: (867)975-2320
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Teacher: Shogon François Ouellette  
Main Contact: Shogon François Ouellette  Email  (Phone: (867)975-2320)
Notes and Events:

The Iqaluit Soto Zen Group offers meditation instruction and practice in the Buddhist tradition of Soto Zen, open to all individuals regardless of faith, background and level of experience. Its principal method, zazen meditation, is a philosophical yet practical approach: through it, we confront the problem of suffering by opening ourselves to the present, by learning from the truth of compassion, and by developping inner discipline. Zen does not require beliefs. It encourages the development of understanding, of right action, and of human emotion.

We offer an informal "drop-in" program every Wednesday evening, 7PM to 8PM; and a regular Sunday practice program (1st Sunday = Beginner Session, 2nd Sunday = Zazen and Dharma Service Session, 3rd Sunday = Full Zazen Session, 4th Sunday = Zazen and Dharma Discussion Session). All offered sessions are open to all faiths and levels of expérience.

Istituto Lama Tzong Khapa

Address: Via Poggiberna 15   Pomaia (Pisa) Toscana 56040
Tradition: Vajrayana, Gelug
Affiliation: FPMT
Phone: (+39) 050 685654
Fax: (+39) 050 685695
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Main Contact: Director Filippo Scianna  Email  (Phone: (+39) 050 685654)
Spiritual Director: Lama Thubten Zopa Rinpoche  
Spiritual Program/Education Coordinator: Ven. Constance Miller  Email  (Phone: (+39) 050 685009)
Teacher: Geshe Jampa Gyatso  
Notes and Events:

Istituto Lama Tzong Khapa offers Buddhist study programs of various levels: the beginner-level FPMT Discovering Buddhism in Italian, the intermediate-level FPMT Basic Program as both a residential program in English and Italian and a correspondence course in Italian, and the advanced six-year FPMT Masters Program as both a residential and correspondence course in English and Italian. 

In addition, it offers regular weekend Dharma courses as well as longer courses and retreats based on both the sutra and tantra teachings.

Isurupura Sri Sangharaja Maha Viharraya

Address: Dodamgoda, Kaluthara- South, Sri Lanka.   Kaluthara
Tradition: Theravada
Phone: 0094342280078
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Main Contact: Most Ven Dodamgoda Siri Sumedha Thero  Email  
Teacher: Most Ven Dodamgoda Siri Sumedha Thero  
Spiritual Director: Most Ven Dodamgoda Siri Sumedha Thero  Email  

Ivolginsky Datsan

Address: East Siberia  
Tradition: Vajrayana, Tibetan Buddhism
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Notes and Events:

Ivolginsky Datsan, located in East Siberia near Lake Baikal, is the most important Buddhist monastery in Russia. It is also home to a phenomenon that continues to intrigue scientists and attract believers by the thousands — the preserved body of the Khambo Lama, who died in 1927 and is still sitting upright in the lotus position.

JALU (On-line)

Address:   NSW
Tradition: Vajrayana, Non Sectarian
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Notes and Events:

Jalü is a non-sectarian, online meditation centre and network of meditation groups. We offer two distinct streams of practice and training:

• a secular program of Calm Abiding and Insight meditation instruction for people of all faiths or no faith;
• a non-sectarian Buddhist program focused on sharing the core of the Buddha’s teachings, specifically teachings on meditation, compassion and the nature of mind.
• At present Jalü is mainly an online centre. Connect with us by visiting our Facebook page or YouTube channel or follow Pema Düddul on Twitter. You can also use the form below to contact us and register for classes and workshops.


Jam Tse Cho Ling Tibetan Buddhist Temple, Calgary

Address: 96 Whitehaven Crescent NE   Calgary Alberta T1Y 6C5
Tradition: Vajrayana, Nalanda
Affiliation: Jam Tse Cho Ling Dharma Centre, Toronto, Ontario, Canada
Phone: +1 (403) 235-0765
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Main Contact: Lynn Chazotsang  (Phone: +1 (403) 235-0765)
Teacher: Geshe Trinly Gyatso  
Notes and Events:

THE JAM TSE CHO LING TIBETAN BUDDHIST TEMPLE IN CALGARY (JTCL), was founded by His Eminence The 9th Tulku Neten Rinpoche. Our Temple draws on the teachings of His Holiness the Dalai Lama and is dedicated to the preservation of Tibetan Buddhism of Nalanda tradition and to make available its precious teachings to all who seek to live happy and meaningful lives and become instrumental in promoting peace and harmony among all people. Through this, our temple hopes to fulfil the purpose of Buddha’s teachings, helping practitioners to realize their boundless compassion and wisdom that safeguard and protect the welfare of all living beings and ultimately attain full enlightenment.

The meaning of Jam Tse Cho Ling:

  • JAM means loving-kindness
  • TSE means compassion
  • CHO means Buddha’s teachings or Doctrine or Dharma. It can be subsumed under two categories:
    • Scriptural teachings: The transmission of Buddha’s teachings extant in oral and scriptural form.
    • The transmission of insight: wisdom and realizations gained through practice of the training.
  • LING means a Centre where Buddha’s doctrine is taught and practiced

As we create this webpage, we remember the kindness that His Holiness the Dalai Lama has shown to all sentient beings and his relentless work to create a world of peace and compassion. May we each aspire to emulate His example. Long Live H.H. 14th Dalai Lama of Tibet. May His aspirations for world and Tibet be realized quickly.

Jam Tse Cho Ling Tibetan Buddhist Temple, Calgary

Address: 924 36 St SE   Calgary T2A 1B9
Tradition: Vajrayana, Gelugpa
Affiliation: Jam Tse Cho Ling Dharma Centre (Toronto)
Phone: 403-235-0765
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Main Contact: Tsewong (Lynn) Chazotsang  Email  (Phone: 4032350765)
Teacher: Geshe Trinly Gyatso  
Spiritual Director: H.E. Neten Tulku Rinpoche  
Notes and Events:

THE JAM TSE CHO LING TIBETAN BUDDHIST TEMPLE IN CALGARY (JTCL), was founded by His Eminence The 9th Tulku Neten Rinpoche and is dedicated to the preservation of Tibetan Buddhism of Nalanda tradition and to make available its precious teachings to all who seek to live happy and meaningful lives. Through this, our temple hopes to fulfill the purpose of Buddha’s teachings; helping practitioners to realize their boundless compassion and wisdom, thus protecting the welfare of all living beings and ultimately attaining full enlightenment. Our Temple draws on the teachings of His Holiness the Dalai Lama by becoming instrumental in promoting world peace, harmony among all people and their respective faiths.

Jamyang Buddhist Centre Leeds

Address: 31 St Pauls Street   Leeds LS1 2GJ
Tradition: Vajrayana, Tibetan, Gelugpa
Affiliation: FPMT
Phone: 07866 760460
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Main Contact: Wendy Ridley  Email  (Phone: 07866 760460)
Teacher: Ven Mary Reavey  
Spiritual Director: Lama Zopa Rinpoche  
Notes and Events:

Jamyang Buddhist Centre Leeds was founded in 1996 under the spiritual direction of Lama Zopa Rinpoche.  As a non-residential centre run by volunteers, our aim is to provide a peaceful place for meditation and a community of support for the study and practice of Tibetan Buddhism.  We honour the work of His Holiness the Dalai Lama and are affiliated to the Foundation for the Preservation of the Mahayana Tradition (FPMT) which is part of the Gelugpa tradition of Tibetan Buddhism.

We regularly host Geshe Tashi Tsering, the resident teacher at Jamyang Buddhist Centre in London, and other highly respected teachers - both lay and ordained - from the FPMT network.  As a registered charity, our aim is to make meditation and Buddhist teachings available to anyone who requests them. 

In a typical week our programme includes:

Monday 18:30-19:30 Meditation for Beginners

Tuesday  18:30-19:30 Chanting Meditation/Puja

Thursday 12:30-13:00 Lunchtime Meditation 18:30-20:00 Discovering Buddhism

Sat & Sun  Varied programme.

Jamyang Coventry

Address: c/o The Koco Building The Arches Spon End (Mail Address Only)  Coventry Warwickshire CV1 3JQ
Tradition: Vajrayana, Tibetan
Affiliation: FPMT, Jamyang Buddhist Centre London
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Tutor: Ven. Lobsang Dawa  Email  
Main Contact: Ven. Lobsang Dawa  Email  
Teacher: Geshe Tashi Tsering  
Spiritual Director: Lama Zopa Rinpoche  
Notes and Events:

Classes in Buddhism and Meditation are held on Monday nights during term time.  Additional Saturday Morning classes are also planned.  For times and dates, please look up the website, or Email us.

Jamyang Study Group

Address:   Liverpool Liverpool
Tradition: Mahayana, Vajrayana, Tibetan, Gelugpa
Affiliation: The FPMT
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Main Contact: Mary Currell  Email  (Phone: 07789 327254)
Spiritual Director: Lama Zopa Rinpoche  
Notes and Events:

Learn how to meditate and study Buddhism in the city centre of Liverpool. We meet weekly on a Monday evening 6.30pm to 8.30pm and have regular Sangha teachers.  

Please look on website to find forthcoming events.

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