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Nalanda Meditation Teaching Centre

Address: Basabo, Sabujbagh, Dhaka   Dhaka 1214
Tradition: Theravada
Phone: +8801819784568
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Spiritual Director: Ven. Dipananda Bhikkhu  Email  (Phone: +8801819784568)
Main Contact: Ven. Dipananda Bhikkhu  Email  (Phone: +8801819784568)
Notes and Events:

Nalanda Meditation Teaching Centre is an Meditation Centre at Dhaka in Bangladesh. 

Nalandabodhi Montreal

Tradition: Vajrayana, Nyingma - Kagyu
Affiliation: Nalandabodhi
Phone: 514-484-0868
Spiritual Director: Dzogchen Ponlop Rinpoche  Email  
Co-Director (French): Helene Leboeuf  Email  
Co-Director (English): Jason Piercy  Email  (Phone: 514-484-0868)
Notes and Events:

Meditation Practice is held on Thursdays at 7:15 & Sundays at 10:30 at the 660 Villeraycommunity center (ring doorbell for admittance)

Study Groups are available in French and English. Times and coarse content vary from year to year but the general pattern is to follow the Study Curriculum designed by  Dzogchen Ponlop Rinpoche.

Nalandra Australian International Vajrayana Buddhist Institute

Address: 46 Crowley Road   Healesville Vic 3777
Tradition: Vajrayana, Tibetan, Sakya
Phone: 0449996492
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Main Contact: Secretary  Email  
Teacher: H.E. Zimwock Rinpoche  
Notes and Events:

  • A friendly space to meet like-minded people, and companionship for your spiritual journey
  • Support for starting, maintaining and deepening your own meditation practice, based on Buddhist teachings from a traditional Tibetan Sakya lineage with an established historical record
  • Access to a resident teacher, with direct help, advice and support for personal spiritual dilemmas and challenges
  • Regular dharma teachings to provide a clear and practical path for further personal growth

We have regular meetings, teachings and meditation sessions. Come and visit us!

Nan Tien Institute and Temple

Address: 180 Berkeley Road   Berkeley NSW 2506
Tradition: Mahayana, Chinese, Fo Guang Shan monastic order, all welcome !
Affiliation: Fo Guang Shan
Phone: +61 2 42720618
Fax: +61 2 42717862
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Marketing Director: Siena Morrisey  Email  (Phone: 42720648)
Main Contact: Student Equiries  Email  (Phone: 42720600)
Teacher: Dr Tamara Ditrich  
Notes and Events:

Nan Tien Institute (NTI), located on Australia’s picturesque South Coast of NSW, just south of Sydney, is the country’s first Institute of higher learning grounded in humanistic Buddhist wisdom and values.

This innovative learning environment has grown from a belief that education is an essential part of a life-long quest for knowledge, skills and wisdom. Our vision and mission is to provide a place for cultural exchange, and to broaden students’ knowledge and perspectives through subjects covering the arts, philosophy, humanities, business and science.

As part of a dynamic international learning community that spans Australia, the US and South East Asia, we offer innovative and distinctive subjects and courses designed to enrich and enhance lives. NTI offers an education with a strong foundation focused on multicultural and practical life applications.

NTI is the fourth in a series of tertiary education facilities established worldwide by Fo Guang Shan monastic orders Venerable Master Hsing Yun. Along with our sister universities University of the West in Los Angeles, California; Nan Hua University and Fo Guang University in Taiwan, NTI has the infrastructure to provide a strong support network for students (including future international exchange opportunities).

NTI aims to be recognised internationally for our outstanding location, unique teaching methodologies, world renowned lecturers and researchers, and high-achieving and enlightened students.

With a campus on-site at award-winning major tourist attraction Nan Tien Temple, and a future $40 million campus under construction, NTI has the facilities to support students in all academic endeavours.

Nandaka VIhara Meditation Society

Address: Kampung Teluk Bukit, Bukit Mertajam, Penang   Bukit Mertajam Pulau Pinang 14000
Tradition: Theravada, Pa Auk Tradition
Affiliation: Pa Auk Tawya Meditation Centre
Phone: +6016-2021250
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Teacher: Bhante Dhammasubho  
Spiritual Director: Most Venerable Pa Auk Sayadaw  
Notes and Events:

Nandaka Vihara, a Buddhist monastery situated in Bukit Mertajam (Penang), is set up primarily for the practice of meditation. It is near to Cherok Tokun Forest Recreational Park. Activities conducted here include meditation classes & retreats, dhamma talks, temporary ordination, observance of 8 precepts, chanting class and Sunday dhamma class for children. The Samatha-Vipassana way of meditation is taught here.

Naples Kadampa Buddhist Classes

Address: c/o Samudrabadra Buddhist Center, 16050 S. Tamiami Tr.   South Fort Myers FL 33908
Tradition: Vajrayana, New Kadampa, Tibetan
Affiliation: International Kadampa Buddhist Union
Phone: (239)567-9739
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Teacher: JoAnn Lawrence  
Teacher in Naples: JoAnn Lawrence  Email  (Phone: (239)567-9739)
Spiritual Director: Ven. Geshe Kelsang Gyatso  
Notes and Events:

Kadampa Buddhism is a joyful, extemely practical lineage of Buddhism that offers levels of study ranging from introductory, intermediate, and a very indepth program for those wishing to train up as qualified Dharma teachers. We also have weekly pujas, onece a month day retreats, and bi-monthly Day Courses.

Introductory classes are open to everyone, of any faith or philosophical background.

We have introductory classes in the following locations one the following days:

Fort Myers: Monday and Wed. evenings 7:30pm-8:45pm and Sundays 9:30-11:30am   at the Center (address above)

Naples: 7:00-8:15pm at the Unity Church of Naples (2000 Unity Way)

Bonita Springs: Tuesdays 7:oo pm-8:15 

Cape Coral: Tuesdays 7:00-8:15 starting in August

Sanibel Island: Wednesdays (from November to May)

Napoli Buddhist Vihara

Address: VIA GIUSEPPE TOMASI DI LAMPEDUSA NO 91   Napoli Campania 80145
Tradition: Theravada, Tempio Buddista
Affiliation: Tempio Buddista
Phone: +390817407766 / +393334334884
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Spiritual Director: VEN PANANGALA VAJIRAGNANA THERO  Email  (Phone: +393334334884)
Notes and Events:

The resident monks daily needs are regularly supplied by the Sri Lankan community. Religious activities are daily observed. Every full moon day different precepts are observed & meditation is practiced.

A Sunday school is also held for the benefit of the children.


Address: 1005 King Avenue   Columbus OH 43212
Tradition: Theravada
Affiliation: Dhammayut Order in the United States of America
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Vice-President: David Berberick  Email  
Main Contact: Andi Sie  Email  
Spiritual Director: Ven. Maha Dhammadhiro Thera  
Teacher: Ven. Maha Dhammadhiro Thera  
Notes and Events:

Narasīhārāma provides resources to study Theravada Buddhism in an environment not defined by ethnic or cultural boundaries, while embracing the various cultural practices of the traditional Theravada countries. Our goal is to develop a permanent Buddhist center in central Columbus for the study of meditation and the teachings of Theravada Buddhism.

We gather weekly on Sundays between 10:30 a.m. and noon for Pali/English chanting, 40-minute sitting meditation, and Dhamma discussion (usually on a Dhamma book we are reading).

We welcome anyone who is interested to join us!

Nashville Dharma Discussion Group

Address:   Nashville
Tradition: Gelugpa
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Spiritual Director: Lama Sumati Marut  
Notes and Events:

We are an organization striving to bring authentic ancient teachings into a modern context, making them accessible to a western audience without changing their deep and beautiful meanings.

Nashville Mindfulness Center

Tradition: Mahayana
Affiliation: Thich Nhat Hanh
Phone: (615) 673-3366
Tiep Hien (Order of Interbeing) member: Skip Ewing  Email  (Phone: (615) 673-3366)
Spiritual Director: Skip Ewing  Email  (Phone: (615) 673-3366)

Nashville Zen Center

Address: 8553 Sawyer Brown Rd  Nashville, TE 37221
Tradition: Mahayana, Zen
Phone: (615) 714-4656
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Main Contact: Bob Jarrell  Email  (Phone: (615) 305-3412)
Spiritual Director: Nat Brown  (Phone: (615) 714-4656)
Notes and Events:

Saturdays 7:30 am The Barn, First Church Unity. Started 25 years ago by a few people who desired to meet regularly to meditate and to discuss Buddhist philosophy. Today the group has over 30 members from diverse backgrounds who form a loosely organized sangha of veteran practitioners and rank beginners. Since it is not affiliated with any specific Zen school, the center invites various Zen masters to lead retreats during the year. All sessions have a format of sitting and walking meditation followed by reading and discussion. Each lasts about two hours. Newcomers are welcome! Saturday orientation for new attendees: 7:15.

Brand new this spring, the Nashville Zen Center offers a new Tuesday night meeting especially for new sitters or the curious! Also at the Barn, 7 p.m. every Tuesday night.! Contact us for details.

National Network of Buddhist Youth (NNBY)

Address: 183 Dixit Nagar, Nari Road Nagpur, Maharashtra 440 0026 India   440 0026
Tradition: Theravada
Phone: +91-7122655850, +919922143599
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Teacher: Chetan meshram  
Dhammamitra: Sachin  Email  (Phone: +919096939310)
Spiritual Director: Dhammachari Subhuti  
Notes and Events:


NNBY is group of young Buddhist, who belong from all state of India.  NNBY is committed to protect and save the Buddha’s Dhamma in Modern India. It is a network of Youth that dreams to change India through the teachings of Buddha and Dr. B.R. Ambedkar into an Ideal society based on liberty, equality and fraternity.

We would like an Indian society to be based on mutual love and friendship so that everyone has a fair chance to grow and is valued as a fellow human being.

            If we overlook the revolution of the world we found youth contributed most.   We are dedicated to “Dhamma Revolution” in India.

            Revolutions are not born on the street they raise in your mind, r world need more living heroes and you are here just in time.

            NNBY responsible for the revolution in peaceful and democratic way without bloodshed.  We want to make India a Buddhist nation once again.

Tracking the trail after 6years of organization:

It was year 2006, the 50th anniversary year of the great conversion by Dr. Ambedkar, we started our work. It was December of 2006, an excellent youth retreat was being lead by Dhammachari Subhuti. Amongst the participants of this youth retreat, an inspired young men and women’s group started to come together and in a year’s time they created the National Network of Buddhist youth.

History of last six years: It’s now six years, we are persistently trying to do our best to remain together and grow as human beings together. We struggled to do our best, raise money, organize programs, form teams, support individuals and so on. We organized National gatherings every year. We brought together youth from many different regions of India, and from all the economic backgrounds. 

We lead hundreds of one or two day’s trainings for the development of basic life skills for youth. Many benefited and are still benefiting. We trained at least a dozen young men and women who are presently conducting trainings, they come together often to help improve the quality of their trainings and support each other.

The structure of the system: Beginner – any one visiting or attending our program is known as beginner. We welcome youth from all walks of life to participate in our gatherings. They are encouraged to learn what they can. We extend our hand to them for friendship and keep an open invitation to keep engaging with us for their own benefit.

Activists – when beginners show more interest in NNBY and start helping in our activities, organize 000events in their area, we initiate them as activists, we offer tem trainings in basic Buddhist teachings and practices, understanding the message of Dr. ambedkar and various modules are offered for their personal improvements.

Leader – When activists wants to deepen their learning and wants to learn through mentoring individuals, leading groups, creating and offering their own trainings we initiate them as leaders. Leaders need to go through a raining to be effective leaders; this training is for minimum two years.

Cadre – Cadre is an Ideal member of the Network, any leader aspiring to be cadre needs to go much tougher trainings, intensify his commitment to social transformation through the practice of Buddhism and understanding of Dr. Ambedkar’s vision. He/she would be able to work in tougher conditions and are able to lead on a large scale. Cadres are expected to continuously working on their own development and work in close connection with other Cadres.

International Associations: We are constantly connected with youth and youth organizations from other countries, East and West.  We draw in various techniques, learning, methods of working with youth from Buddhist and various non Buddhist organizations who are working for the development of human values and welfare. We are also coordinating with various international organizations to create an international network for the learning and exchange of Buddhist Youth.

Small initiatives to take responsibilities in society: Running of the network itself is a large activity that benefit couple of thousand youth every year directly.  Our members are also engaged in various smallish activities to help youth in various areas. We support youth to find appropriate professional courses, to resolve their emotional, psychological conflicts. We actively work to pass on information to youth that are not easily accessible for the employment opportunities and better options for higher education.

Natural Dharma Fellowship

Address: Cambridge Friends Meeting House 5 Longfellow Park (off Brattle St.)  Cambridge MA 02138
Tradition: Non-Sectarian, Kagyu & Nyingma
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Retreat Coordinator: Becky Spainhower  Email  
Margha Program Coordinator: Ellen Leckband  Email  
Main Contact: Terri Kreling  Email  
Spiritual Director: Lama Willa Miller  Email  
Notes and Events:

Natural Dharma Fellowship is an organization of Buddhist practitioners dedicated to the joy of awakening. Our practices emphasize the innate wisdom of one’s inherent being, as taught and transmitted in the Tibetan traditions of Mahamudra and Dzogchen. We are a vessel to support local practice groups, intensive retreats and the training of students and teachers.

We meet every Tuesday from 7:30pm - 9pm at Cambridge Friends Meeting House in Cambridge, MA

Navodaya Buddhist Monastery

Address: Nunsuri-II,P.O. Nunsuri-I, Lunglei District.  Tlabung (Demagiri) Mizoram 796751
Tradition: Theravada, Chakma Tradition
Affiliation: Navodaya Buddha Vihar Samity
Phone: 91-9436391284
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Venerable: Sumana Jyoti  
Teacher: Ven. Sumana Jyoti  
Venerable: Punnyo Kitthi  (Phone: 91-9006294683)
Main Contact: 91-9436391284  
Spiritual Director: Ven. Pragya Jyoti  Email  (Phone: 61-0437952804)
Notes and Events:

The Navodaya Buddhist Monastery was established in 1991. The site of land property of the Monastery was donated by Late Jugendra Chakma, former Vice-President of Nunsuri Village Council and also elder brother of Ven. Pragya Jyoti (Australia). At present, Ven. Sumana Jyoti is the Chief Abbot of the Monastery who is a nephew of Ven. Pragya Jyoti (Australia). He conduct meditation in every morning and evening. On every sunday Dhamma class condut for the Children. The Monastery is run by the Management Committee of the Navodaya Buddha Vihar Samity, which registered in 1991 under the Societies Registration Act. 1860, Government of India. Its has facilities for laymen and resident monks. Excellent Meditation Hall with surrounding covered by deep forest and fairly quiet. One Guest Hall and a separate Kitchen attach with Dinning Hall. The main Monastery with attach Dhamma Hall with capacity to sit 200 peoples at a times. Minimum one Sangha (four monks) capacity to reside continuously in the Monastery. Perfect place for forest monks who like to meditate and quiet. Meditation is nothing, but only to train our own mind how to deal with different problems and situations.

Nebraska Buddhist Vihara

Tradition: Theravada
Affiliation: Minnesota Buddhist Vihara
Phone: (612) 522 1811
Spiritual Director: Witiyala Seewalie Thera  Email  (Phone: (612) 522 1811)
Notes and Events:

The mission of the Nebraska Buddhist Vihara is to share the Buddha\\\'s message of Peace and Happiness and help create peace and harmony within and ourselves and in the surrounding world.

Neldoreth Forest Community

Address: Horsecamp Road   Gin Gin Qld 4671
Tradition: Non-Sectarian, Buddhist Societies of Vic and WA
Phone: (07) 4157 6146
E-mail: gmail dot com address is mikebqld
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Main Contact: Mike  (Phone: 07 4157 6146)
Notes and Events:

Purpose –  I am willing to share my 20 ha of forested land so that others may live and work in native forest and with Nature, guided by Buddhist philosophy.

Teachings  Available Here  – I am willing to teach some forest meditation to a willing student, based on my experience of daily meditation practice since 1982.

My Buddhist Background - I trained at the Buddhist Society of Vic in the 1980’s under Dhammika, attended a variety of Buddhist meditation retreats in the 80’s and 90’s, attended talks each week at the BSWA throughout 1995, 96 and 2002,  and I trained in the Buddhist monastery 99-01.  

My Approach to Buddhist Philosophy – is non clerical; I adapt Buddhist ideas out of their original religious setting and into a form that reflects my own experience of following the Path since 1982.  I am most influenced by the writings of Eckhart Tolle, Shakti Gawain and Harvey Jackins.  I refer to Nyanatiloka’s works.

My 11,000 word treatise on  defines my approach to Healing and Spiritual Practice.

Location - 25 km SW of Gin Gin, 4 hours drive North of Brisbane, in the foothills past the coastal plain.

Facilities - simple,  close to Nature  -  BYO camping gear and/or borrow mine

Transport - I can email you “Directions when Driving”.   Or I can pick you up from Gin Gin.  The train arrives in Bundaberg in late afternoon – you might have to sleep the night on the roadside when hitching from the train station.

Cost – by donation and/or your labour contribution.

Meditation and inspirational readings - as needed by those present. 

Contact me  by email if you’d like to stay here, and detail your experience in Buddhism and/or meditation, and whether you’re fit for manual work (a man’s work!) or willing to pay for the Council rates ($40 pw) instead, and whether you’ll bring all your own camping gear.

More details on

Nepal Magar Buddhist Service Society

Address: Bhanimandal,13 Lalitpur kathmandu,Nepal  Kathmandu Bagmati 7435
Tradition: Theravada
Phone: THai.0891185127 Nepal.9849511143
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General secretary: Indra Bahadur Rana Magar  Email  (Phone: 9741175911)
Chairman,Capt.: Deo Bhadur Rana magar  Email  (Phone: 9851098064)
Main Contact: Bhikkhu: Narayan (Nam)Medhenkar  Email  (Phone: Thai.0891185127Nepal.9849511143)
Notes and Events:

Nepal Magar Buddhist service society had been established in 2057B.S(2001) to          revive the  Buddhist religion and subsequent culture, to  unite the people among the Buddhist community, to maintain the religious co-existence and harmonious relation-ship among many religions those have been following their respected religions for several years in Nepal.This is non-profit making,non-government,public welfare oriented social organization.It has been organizing  many seminar and training by doing coordination among various organization of Nepal those are related to Buddhism. 

New Buddha Way

Address: Buddhist Associate Chaplain: Geoffrey Hunt, Multifaith Chaplaincy, University of Surrey, Guildford, Surrey, UK.   Guildford Surrey GU2 7XH
Tradition: Non-Sectarian, Links with several traditions
Phone: 01483-427170
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Main Contact: Geoffrey Hunt  Email  (Phone: 44 (0)1483-427170)
Spiritual Director: Geoffrey Hunt  Email  (Phone: 44 (0)1483-427170)
Teacher: Lynne McNeil  
Notes and Events:

Meditation sessions in vipassana and concentration, retreats, dhamma talks, workshops, festival days, six-week introductory course, text study, family sessions, beginners class - all found at

New England Institute for Buddhist Studies

Address: 343 Washington Terrace   Middletown CN 06457
Tradition: Mahayana
Affiliation: North American Shin Buddhist Association
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Notes and Events:

The New England Institute of Buddhist Studies, located in Middletown, Connecticut, offers courses, workshops and seminars, that meet One-Day-A-Month and have been designed to deepen your understanding and practice of Shin Buddhism and the whole of the Buddhist tradition.  In addition, we offer periodic mindfulness retreats, meditation classes, and comprehensive leadership and teaching certification programs.

New Life Foundation

Address: No. 49 Moo 1, Don Sila, Wiang Chai   Wiang Chai Chiang Rai 57210
Tradition: Theravada
Phone: +66 85 714 2834
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Notes and Events:

New Life Foundation is a mindful therapeutic community in northern Thailand. We offer a rich and supportive learning space for anyone interested in gaining a deeper understanding of themselves, or who has struggled with stress, burnout, anxiety, depression, trauma, or addiction. We practice mindfulness, meditation, and yoga, and offer various healing modalities such as cognitive behavioral therapy (CBT), Enneagram, trauma release exercises (TRE), mindfulness-based relapse prevention (MBRP), mindfulness-based cognitive therapy (MBCT), non-violent communication (NVC), creative and dance therapy, and more.

New Moon Zendo

Address: Ridgewood Unitarian Church; 113 Cottage Place   Ridgewood NJ 07450
Tradition: Mahayana, Zen
Phone: 914-714-8621
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Teacher: Carl Viggiani  
Main Contact: Carl Viggiani  Email  (Phone: 914-428-8506)
Notes and Events:

Mondays 7:30pm zazen includes sitting and walking meditation and some chanting. Dharma talks twice a month. Monthly meeting with sensei available. We welcome beginning meditators.

New Orleans Insight Meditation Group

Address: 2134 Magazine Street, 3d fl   New Orleans LA 70130
Tradition: Theravada
Phone: (504) 343-8378
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Main Contact: Larry Ozenberger  Email  (Phone: (504) 343-8378)
Notes and Events:

NOIMG meets on Tuesday evenings from 7:30 - 9:00 for practice, study, and discussion.

New River Sangha

Address: 2921 Brook Drive   Falls Church VI 22042
Tradition: Mahayana, Rinzai
Affiliation: Order of the Boundless Way
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Spiritual Director: Muji Shindo  Email  
Notes and Events:

Modern American Buddhism focused upon the basic teachings of Siddhartha Gautama.  Specalizing in prisons and others in need.

New York Buddhist Vihara

Address: 214-22 Spencer Avenue   Queens Village NY 11427
Tradition: Theravada
Phone: +1 (718) 468 - 4262
Fax: +1 (718) 468 - 4262
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Main Contact: Rev. Aregama Sirisumana  Email  (Phone: +1 (516) 503 - 7931)
Spiritual Director: Most Venerable Kurunegoda Piyatissa Thero  Email  (Phone: +1 (718) 468 - 4262)
Notes and Events:

We offer you an opportunity to read and learn about Buddhism in the Theravada tradition. Theravada (Pali: Thera=elders, vada=doctrine) or the "doctrine of the elders" represents the school of Buddhism that draws spiritual inspiration from the Pali Canon (or "Tripitaka") generally accepted by scholars as the oldest record of Buddha's teachings.

Imparting knowledge with a view toward developing and improving another's knowledge is Dhammadana in Buddhist terminology. The Buddha teaches us to appreciate the value of wisdom since it is the most valuable asset for a living being: hence, the need for us to develop our minds, as well as to help others to develop their knowledge.

There are two ways to achieve this end. One is by reading extensively on Buddha Dhamma. The other is by questioning that may invariably lead to discussion. It shall be our   endeavour to provide satisfactory answers to such queries.

New York Tsurphu Goshir Dharma Center

Address: 183 15th Street   Brooklyn, New York 11215
Tradition: Vajrayana, Kagyu (Goshir Gyaltsabpas)
Affiliation: Karma Kagyu
Phone: (646)361-9201
Fax: (718)369-1034
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Main Contact: Lama Dorje Odzer  Email  (Phone: (646) 361-9201)
Teacher: Lama Dorje Odzer, Lama Karma Sangye Rinchen  
Spiritual Director: Goshir Gyaltsab Rinpoche  
Notes and Events:

We live in a complex and ever-changing world which presents challenges for anyone who seeks to maintain a contemplative practice. As a response to this our center offers a place to gather for group practice, personal instruction, for study, as well as meditation and reflection.

Our primary concern is to offer Tibetan Buddhist training in a manner that reflects the specific guidance and wisdom of the Kagyu lineage laid down through the line of the Goshir Gylatsabpas

As a place of refuge, a temple, and a space dedicated to exploring meaningfully engaged contemplative practice, New York Tsurphu Goshir Dharma Center is committed to supporting the community that it serves.


  • On a daily basis, we perform the offering of water tormas and Tara practice in the morning and an offering to the glorious Four-Armed Mahakala and Dudsolma in the evening.
  • On Wednesdays, we perform Chöd offerings.
  • On the 15th of every Tibetan lunar month, we perform Tara puja.
  • On the 8th of every Tibetan lunar month, we perform the Medicine Buddha puja.
  • On the 10th of every lunar month, we perform a feast offering to Vajrakilaya.
  • On the 25th of every Tibetan lunar month, we also perform the long Vajravarahi Sadhana and Milarepa Guru Yoga with a feast offering.
  • Here is a schedule of our classes.

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