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Santa Monica Zen Center

Address: 1453 W 14th Street Unit C   Santa Monica CA 90404
Tradition: Mahayana, Zen: Three Treasures Tradition of Taizan Maezumi Roshi
Affiliation: White Plum Asangha founded by Taizan Maezumi Roshi
Phone: (310) 572-9070
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Main Contact:  
Abbot & Head Teacher: William Yoshin Jordan  Email  
Teacher: William Yoshin Jordan, Sensei  
Spiritual Director: William Yoshin Jordan, Sensei  
Notes and Events:

The Santa Monica Zen Center is an urban, non-profit organization that operates on a Membership/Volunteer model.

We invite Guests and practitioners new to SMZC to participate one time in an initial 40-minute Zazen Instruction and Orientation, after which we support their practice for a trial period of 2 months at no charge.

Newcomers are asked to consider Membership at the end of the trial period.  Members pay monthly dues and enjoy the privilege of ‘just sitting’ on a self-styled schedule or engaging whole-heartedly in our training and development programs.

SMZC would be very pleased to have you visit and ‘test drive’ us for our 2-month trial period!  Please contact us at, or in person during our scheduled open hours, with your questions about Zazen Instruction, trial practice, or Membership.

Santa Rosa Shambhala Center

Address: 855 7th Street (Masonic Lodge, corner of Beaver & 7th Street)   Santa Rosa CA 95404
Tradition: Mahayana, Vajrayana, Non-Sectarian, Tibetan, Shambhala Buddhist
Affiliation: Shambhala International
Phone: 707 545-4907
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Spiritual Director: Sakyong Mipham Rinpoche  
Founder: Chögyam Trungpa Rinpoche  
Main Contact: Joanne Henn (Center Director)  Email  (Phone: 707 545-4907)
Notes and Events:

Mailing address: Post Office Box 521, Santa Rosa, CA 95402

Santi Forest Monastery

Address: 100 Coalmines Road, Bundanoon, NSW 2578   Bundanoon NSW 2578
Tradition: Theravada, Bhikkhuni
Affiliation: Australian Sangha Association
Phone: +612 4883 6331
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Spiritual Director: Ajahn Brahm  
Founding Abbot (Now Retired): Bhante Sujato  
Notes and Events:

Santi Forest Monastery is a Buddhist Nuns’ Monastery with facilities for people to visit, study and practice the teachings of the Buddha. 
Located in Bundanoon, NSW bordering on Morton National Park.
Postal Address: PO Box 132, Bundanoon, NSW 2578 

Telephone +612 4883 6331

Santisukharama Meditation Centre

Address: c/o Kota Tinggi Buddhist Society, 6, Jalan Delima 2, Taman Kota Jaya,  Kota Tinggi Johor 81900
Tradition: Theravada, Mahasi Vipassana Tradition
Affiliation: Mahasi Vipassana Tradition
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Notes and Events:

The method of meditation taught here is vipassana meditation which is in line with the method taught by the late Ven. Mahasi Sayadaw of Burma.

Foreign meditators are welcome to practice at Santisukharama.

The founding teacher was Venerable Sujiva, a Malaysian monk and a disciple of Sayadaw U Pandita.

Saraha Nyingma Buddhist Institute

Address: 477 E. 40th Ave.   Eugene OR 97405
Tradition: Vajrayana, Dudjom Lineage of the Nyingma School of Tibetan Buddhism
Phone: +1(541)359-3588
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Main Contact: office  (Phone: +1(541)359-3588)
Teacher: Lama Sonam Tsering  
Spiritual Director: Lama Tharchin Rinpoche  
Notes and Events:

Located in Eugene, Oregon, USA. Saraha Nyingma Buddhist Institute is a Buddhist Temple and educational facility dedicated to the study and practice of the Dudjom Lineage of the Nyingma School of Tibetan Buddhism.

Please visit our website at: for more information on our background, vision and intention, as well as our current schedule and calendar of events, and Dharma Education opportunities. This site is also a source for Buddhist learning resources, including photo, audio, video and structured study materials.

Saraha Nyingma Buddhist Institute

Address: 477 E. 40th Ave.   Eugene OR 97405
Tradition: Vajrayana, Dudjom Lineage
Affiliation: Tibetan/Nyingma
Phone: (541)359-3588
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Main Contact: Lama Tsering Gyaltsen  
Teacher: Lama Sonam Tsering  
Spiritual Director: Lama Tharchin Rinpoche  
Notes and Events:

The Saraha Nyingma Buddhist Institute, or "Saraha" for short, is a registered 501(c)(3) status non-profit religious organization based in Eugene, Oregon, USA.  Following the Buddha's teachings of Enlightenment, and practicing according to the Dudjom Lineage of the Nyingma School of Tibetan Buddhism, Saraha offers a full schedule of regular temple meditation and educational events, special teachings events, and educational courses.

The Institute is also the home of Saraha Children's School, a full academic, grades K-8 school which integrates the study and practice of Buddhist philosophy with standard academic subjects. 

Through its adult and child programs, Saraha intends to offer a community-based, family friendly atmosphere where students young and old can visit and grow in age and wisdom together.

Sarana International Buddhist Center

Address: 15241 51st Avenue South   Tukwila WA 98188
Tradition: Theravada
Phone: (206) 277-8399
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Main Contact: Polwatte Pagnananda  Email  (Phone: (206) 277-8399)
Teacher: Polwatte Pagnananda  
Spiritual Director: Polwatte Pagnananda  
Notes and Events:

Sarana International Buddhist Center (SIBC), In Tukwila, Washington is truly international. Its altar includes Buddha statues and paintings from Cambodia, Sri Lanka, Thailand, China, Burma, and India. One of the resident monks, Venerable Pra Mahamuni Lim Sovann, and many of those who attend the large gatherings at the temple near Sea-Tac airport are Cambodian. But, the abbot, Bhante Polwatte Pagnananda hails from Sri Lanka. SIBC, which was established in 1998, is open to anyone who wants to learn about Buddhism or practice Buddhist meditation. Regular religious services are held every Sunday morning starting at 9 a.m.

There are meditation and Yoga classes every Wednesday 6:00 to 9:00 p.m. A new vipassana hall was opened in March of 2005, and the Northwest Vipassana Society conducts all-day workshops from 8:00 a.m to 4:30 p.m. on the last Saturday of every month. The annual vassa (rainy season retreat) for monks lasts for three months, beginning on July 24 and continuing through October.

The retreat period ends on October 30, 2005 with the colorful Kathina ceremony during which lay supporters offer new robes, flowers, food, and other donations to the monks. All are welcome to take part in these ceremonies.

Sarana\\\'s Abbot, Bhante Polwatte Pagnananda, entered the order of bhikkus in 1965 in Sri Lanka under the patronage of Venerable Mullegama Seelananda and Labugama Lankananda Maha Thero, and received his higher ordination in 1974 from Akurana Pannaransi Maha Thero, the Sanghanayake (leader) of the Raigama Korale (Siamese sect-Kotte chapter). He received his early education from Paravahera Pagnnananda Maha Thero at Dharmaduta Buddhist Seminary in Colombo, and later studied at Vidyaratana Affiliated University Parivena. In 1977 he completed the GCE Advanced Level Examination, in 1981 the First Examination of the Pracina Panditha degree, and in 1983 received a Bachelor of Arts degree from The University of Kelaniya. He was active in various religious and social activities in the Horana area from 1986 to 1994, and was eventually appointment as the chief incumbent of the Boddalgoda Sri Devarakshita Temple.

In 1996 Bhante Pagnananda was invited to come to the United States on a Dhammaduta (missionary) mission by a devoted Sri Lankan physician in New York. He stayed at the Maitri Viharan in Los Angeles and the came to Seattle in 1977. He was determined to establish a Theravada Buddhist center, and the next year founded the Sarana International Buddhist Center in Tukwila with the generous support of Buddhist devotees from different ethnic groups. The Sarana International Buddhist Center is located at 15241 . 51st Ave South in Tukwila, just northeast of Sea-Tac Airport. Further information about the Center and its activities can be obtained from Bhante Polwatte Pagnananda at 206-277-8399.

Sarasota Forest Monastery

Address: 520 Lewis Street   Englewood FL 34223
Tradition: Theravada
Phone: 941 587-8601
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Main Contact: Chailai Brune  Email  (Phone: 941-914-7504)
Notes and Events:

Sarasota Forest Monastery (SFM) was established in 2005 with the goals in mind to raise enough support to build a Buddhist Monastery in the Thai Forest tradition.  Fundraising efforts continue on a regular basis and constructions to begin as soon as the funds are ready. Members are meeting every Saturday for a meditation session. We have visiting monks from time to time to give Dhamma discussion at the location.

Sarasota Zen Center- Buddhist Temple

Address: 3947 Clark Road. Ste. B   Sarasota FL 34233
Tradition: Mahayana, Rev. Dr. Soyu Matsuoka, roshi
Affiliation: Soto Zen
Phone: 941-451-6988
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Main Contact: Rev. Daito Thompson- Osho  Email  (Phone: 941-451-6988)
Spiritual Director: Rev. Daito Thompson- Osho  Email  (Phone: 941-451-6988)
Notes and Events:

 The Sarasota Zen Center,  a Soto Zen Buddhist Temple, is a Florida registered non-profit organization created to support the dissemination and growth of Buddhist Teachings within our communities and to help empower its members through direct participation in its programs. The Sarasota Zen Center community offers a haven of peace and harmony in which to engage in the arduous task of self-discovery through Zen practice. Welcoming diversity, the practice of Zen is available to people of every race, religion, nationality, class, gender, sexual orientation, age, and physical ability.

Zen Wisdom is thought to be the most refined spiritual possession of Asia, with its origin in India, its development in China, and its practical application in Japan. Wherever there is poetic action, a religious aspiration, a heroic thought, there is Zen. Zen is direct- goes straight to the point- requires no mediator. It is the greatest gift the Orient can make to the Occident.

ZAZEN: Formal Zen meditation.
Meditation has been said to occupy in Buddhism the place of prayer in other religious. In a sense this is true- except that Zen meditation is not prayer, makes no assumptions at all about God, and has been practiced by adherents of many major religions.

Zen meditation is not a dreamy reverie. Nor does it seek to apply the mind to any formulated problems of philosophy, ethics, or theology. Rather, the object of meditation is to force the participant beyond the sphere where words can be used, into the realm of immediacy where Ultimate Truth can be realized.

To put it simply, Zen meditation is to be approached as an end in itself. Greater Wisdom is not its aim but is an incidental results. It is extremely practical and penetrates all phases of daily life.

Who can participate?
Anyone who desires to progress in mind, body, and spirit may benefit by attending the Zen center. Among attendants have been practitioners of Roman Catholicism, Protestantism, and secular ethical philosophies, as well as other Buddhists. The only requirements are a sincere purpose and a clean body.

Application to life.
The late Reverend Dr. Soyu Matsuoka-roshi said: "Many people have inquired about the life that a Zen person should lead. As you grow in Zen, you will find that you no longer have to think about how to act, or how to live, because the life of Zen will have matured in you, and your actions will be in complete harmony with your inner spirit."

Where to Begin?

1. Study.

2. Reflection.

3. Meditation.

4. Finding spiritual friends.

Gassho, _/\_

Venerable Reverend Daito Thompson- Osho, spiritual director

Saskatoon Community of Mindful Living

Address: 213 Second Street East c/o Unitarian Congregation of Saskatoon   Saskatoon Saskatchewan S7H 1N5
Tradition: Mahayana, Thich Nhat Hanh
Affiliation: Following the tradition of Thich Nhat Hanh
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Main Contact: Ken Sailor, secretary  Email  
Notes and Events:

The Saskatoon Community of Mindful Living is a group practicing in the tradition of Vietnamese Zen Buddhist teacher, Thich Nhat Hanh.

We are a supportive group that aims to nurture each other\\\'s practice to further awaken our awareness of the miracle of this life.

When Do You Meet?
We meet every Monday evening from 7-9 pm for meditation and discussion at the Unitarian Centre, 213 2nd Street East in Saskatoon, between MacPherson and Melrose avenues.

For more information, email

Saskatoon Insight Meditation Community

Address:   Saskatoon Saskatchewan
Tradition: Theravada
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Teacher: Jeanne Corrigal  
Notes and Events:

All are welcome to our sitting group of beginning and experienced meditators on Wednesday evenings, 7:00 to 8:00 PM CST, currently on Zoom. The cost is by donation/dana.

Our sitting group is led by our guiding teacher, Jeanne Corrigal, and occasionally by other experienced practitioners.

In addition to our sitting group, our community hosts sangha walks and weekend and longer retreats. Jeanne offers classes. Our core activities are offered freely, through the dana (generosity) tradition.

Sat Chit Anand

Address: 16 Great Basses Road   Plettenberg Bay Western Cape 6600
Tradition: Non-Sectarian
Phone: +27 (0)44 533 0453
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Notes and Events:

SAT CHIT ANAND is a Sanskrit expression, which means truth – consciousness – bliss. Get in touch with the truth of your being. Live consciously and mindfully. Let go of all worldly cares and concerns and experience the bliss of being here and now.

Situated in Plettenberg Bay, jewel of the Garden Route, 200 metres from the sea, SCA is located in an ideal place to relax, reflect on life and get in touch with your true nature. Enjoy privacy, peace and tranquility. Indulge your soul with a healthy holiday. Make space in your life for spirit.

HEALING CENTRE has a holistic nature. It offers various treatments and therapies to restore and enhance health and healing of body and mind.

BUDDHIST CENTRE was established in 2000. It offers teachings and retreats on different aspects of Buddhist philosophy, psychology and practice.

INTERFAITH SCA has grown into an Interfaith Spiritual Retreat Centre. Yoga, meditation and teachings on self-knowledge help those of all faiths.

Satipanya Buddhist Retreat

Address: White Grit, Minsterley, Shropshire SY5 0JN  Shropshire
Tradition: Theravada, Mahasi Sayadaw lineage
Phone: 0044 (0) 1588 650752
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Teacher: Bhante Bodhidhamma  Email  
Teacher: Noirin Sheahan  Email  
Notes and Events:

Satipanya Buddhist Retreat


The centre is devoted to the practice of Vipassana, Insight Meditation, as taught by the Mahasi Sayadaw of Burma and the development of Right Lifestyle. The centre offers the opportunity to stay up to eleven weeks, though weeklong is also possible. There are Forums for Right Lifestyle. 


Resident Teachers: Bhante Bodhidhamma and Noirin Sheahan.

Satipanya is situated in the UK on the Welsh border in the Shropshire Hills. 


All are  Welcome! 

Satipatthana Meditation Centre

Address: 735A Havelock Rd, Singapore 169652  
Tradition: Theravada, Mahasi Sayadaw Vipassana meditation method
Phone: 6272 5696
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Spiritual Director: Ven Sayadaw U Rajinda  
Notes and Events:

Satipatthana Meditation Centre (SMC), Singapore was founded in 2004 under the guidance of Sayadaw U Rajinda to provide opportunities and venues for intensive Vipassana meditation practice and to propagate Buddhism among others.

Satipatthana Meditation Centre

Address: 40 Jalan Malu-Malu, Sembawang Springs Estate, Singapore 769657 
Tradition: Theravada,
Phone: (65) 67589488
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Main Contact: Li Chun  
Spiritual Director: Sayadaw U Rajinda  
Notes and Events:

Our weekly activities include: 

Thursday - meditation & dhamma discussion (English) 7.30 pm
Sunday - morning puja & meditation (English) 9.30 – 10.30 am Sunday - evening meditation and dhamma discussion (Burmese) 7 pm 

In addition to weekly activities, we also hold meditation retreat on various occasions.

Satipatthana Meditation Centre Singapore

Address: 40 Jln Malu-malu, Singapore 769657  
Tradition: Theravada, Vipassana Meditation Mahasi Sayadaw Tradition
Phone: 6758 9488
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Spiritual Director: Sayadaw U Rajinda  
Notes and Events:

Satipatthana Meditation Centre (SMC), Singapore was founded in 2004 under the guidance of Sayadaw U Rajinda to provide opportunities and venues for intensive Vipassana meditation practice and to propagate Buddhism among others.

Savanata Sisilasa Internet Only Dhamma Radio

Tradition: Theravada
Notes and Events:

Savanata Sisilasa is the first online Dhamma radio in Sinhala language. you can listen to sleceted sinhala dhamma sermons by various bhnathes in all 24 hours. This is complete a free dhamma service. We also conducu two online dhamma classes for children in English languagae using SKYPE facility.

Sayagyi U Ba Khin Memorial Association

Address: 522 East Coast Road #12-03, Singapore 458966 
Tradition: Theravada, Burmese
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Teacher: Mother Sayama and Saya U Chit Tin  
Notes and Events:

Vipassana Meditation Retreats.

School of Contemporary Zen

Address: Oakwood, Chawleigh Week   Chulmleigh Devon EX18 7JU
Tradition: Non-Sectarian
Phone: 01769580237
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Main Contact: Oakwood Centre  Email  (Phone: 01769580237)
Teacher: Nish Pfister  
Spiritual Director: D. Ferguson  Email  
Notes and Events:

Please refer to our web site ( for updates on retreats, meetings, and Sesshin bookings.

 You can also ring the Oakwood Centre on (44) (0) 1769 580237

Scotlands Buddhist Vihara

Address: 1 Caldercuilt Road Glasgow G20 0AD U.K   Scotland
Tradition: Theravada, Sri Lanka - all are welcome!
Phone: 0044 141 23 73 618
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Teacher: Venerable Rewatha  
Notes and Events:

Venerable K Sri Rewatha Thero established Scotlands Buddhist Vihara in 2002. It is the first Theravada Buddhist Vihara in Scotland. Venerable Rewatha conducts puja and meditation classes throughout the week. Scotlands Buddhist Vihara is a registered Scottish Charity No:003815 and is deeply committed to the Tsunami relief effort in Sri Lanka.

News and events link:

Seattle Buddhist Center

Address: 12056 15th Ave NE   Seattle WA 98125
Tradition: Non-Sectarian, Triratna
Affiliation: Triratna Buddhist Community
Phone: (206) 726-0051
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Notes and Events:

The Seattle Buddhist Center is part of an international Buddhist movement known as the Triratna Buddhist Community (formerly Friends of the Western Buddhist Order) which aims to make available the teachings and practices of Buddhism in a form accessible to those in the West. The Center offers a range of activities and resources to further these aims.

The entrance is on NE 123rd Street.

Address: Jl. Manyar Kartika I / 5  Surabaya 60118
Tradition: Non-Sectarian, Tri Dharma, Maitreya, Kong Hu Chu, Tao, Zen
Phone: +623159611809
Fax: +62315961180
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Notes and Events:

secangkir teh is a web site where buddhism youth gathering. 

Setiap hari sebelum melaksanakan kegiatan sehari - hari kita tidak lupa untuk meminum secangkir teh. Dalam kegiatan padat dan penuh aktifitas, tentunya secangkir teh memberikan kesegaran tersendiri. Selepas dari kegiatan sehari - hari kita merasa lelah. Tapi dengan meminum secangkir teh membantu menyegarkan diri. Begitu pula halnya bila kedatangan tamu atau kerabat. Tidak lupa kita menyuguhkan secangkir teh. Akhirnya sebelum kita tidur tentunya tidaklah lupa untuk membaca

      Di dalam wadah secangkir teh ini anda bebas mengekspresikan diri anda. Selain itu anda juga dapat berbagi kesenangan, mendiskusikan masalah, berbicara tentang Dhamma, bermeditasi, dan bertanya jawab dalam hal apa saja bersama rekan - rekan se Dhamma.

      Bahkan untuk rekan - rekan se Dhamma dari aliran manapun, baik Tantrayana, Theravada, Mahayana, Tri Dharma, Zen, Taoism, Kong Hu Chu, dan Maitreya silahkan bergabung disini. Dan tentunya juga silahkan bergabung bagi mereka yang ingin mengenal ajaran buddhist.

      Secangkir Teh dot com merupakan komunitas Buddhist se Indonesia yang mana bisa saling berbagi atau sharing pengalamannya. tidak terbatas pada penganut Buddhist saja, tapi pada semua umat beragama apapun dipersilahkan untuk mengunjingi Selain itu, di dalam ini terdapat Forum Komunitas untuk mereka berekspresi. Dan juga Online Chat Live Conference untuk bertemu sesama anggota agar bisa mengenal lebih dekat. Dengan kata lain inti dari adalah keakraban, kebersamaan, dan kerukunan sesama manusia.

      Why bernama Karena secangkirteh diambil dari ajaran Zen yang mana diharapkan kita bisa menyuguhkan sesuatu untuk memberikan penyegaran. Sebab di dalam diharapkan kita bisa rileks, tenang, menjadi lebih bijaksana, serta lebih terbuka wawasan kita.

PS : merupakan bentuk perbaikan dari Buddhism Indonesia - Friendster Group. Mengingat komunitas di BI yang mengeluh soal errornya FS dan kalau malam mau Online buddhist Conference sering DC tidak jelas maka situs ini dibentuk. Dengan kata lain bukan tandingan BI Forum - FS. Terima kasih atas pengertiannya

May all beings be happy / Om Mane Padme Hung

Sekolah Tinggi Ilmu Agama Buddha Smaratungga Boyolali

Address: Jl. Semarang-Solo Km 60, Ampel-Boyolali Jawa Tengah  Boyolali Central Java 57352
Tradition: Non-Sectarian
Phone: +62276330835
Fax: +62276330835
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Spiritual Director: Ven. Sasanabodhi  Email  (Phone: +6281805891786)
Waket I: Ven. Khemacaro Nyanasubalo  Email  (Phone: +6281805891786)
Notes and Events:

Sekolah Tinggi Ilmu Agama Buddha Smaratungga (Smaratungga Buddhist College). Professional in Management of Buddhist Education.


Tradition: Non-Sectarian
Notes and Events:

Milis_Buddha:  A Buddhist Mailing List in the Indonesian language.

Welcome to Milis_Buddha

A moderated list in Indonesian language (some English) to share ideas, knowledge and experience on the Teachings of the Buddha and their practice in daily life; to study, query etc for achieving a better understanding of Buddhism and for encouraging mutual respect among fellow Buddhists from all sects and schools; and to foster one\'s own spiritual wisdom and enlightenment.

This mailing-list is open to anyone who professes taking refuge in the Buddha, in the Teachings of the Buddha and in the Sangha. All subscribers are required to share the spirit of Truth, Righteousness, Peace, Loving-Kindness, and Non-Violence. Differences of opinion are welcome, but flamings are not.

The following is the Milis-Buddha Charter. The Indonesian language is used in this list and no English translation of the charter is provided. If you do not speak Indonesian, you may choose to leave this list by writing to to delete your address from the list.

If you choose to remain subscribed, you may receive a few responses to your postings from other subscribers who speak English if you write in English.

If you have any question about the Milis_Buddha list, write to the list owners at the address:

Selangor Buddhist Vipassana Meditation Society (SBVMS)

Address: 29-b, Jalan 17/45 46400 Petaling Jaya, Selangor, Malaysia.   Selangor
Tradition: Theravada
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Notes and Events:

• Dhamma Talk and Short Sitting 8:00 - 10:00 pm (first Saturday. of month - phone to check) - conducted by Bro. James Ong. Meditation:

• Vipassana Meditation Course (8 sessions) for Beginners. - Second half-of-year (phone to check time and date)

• Metta Meditation Course (6 sessions) for Beginners. - Meditation Retreat at Buddhirama, K.K.B (Tel/Fax. for information)  SBVMS is run by an elected committee. For further information please contact the address and contact numbers above. 

Dhamma Publication Project for free distribution :  Countless books have been written on the life of the Buddha, but the "Great Chronicle of Buddhas" (eight books of 5516 pages in six volumes) written by the late Most Venerable Mingun Sayadaw of Myanmar, stands out as the most comprehensive work on this subject.  Through the generosity of fellow Buddhists, 1000 copies of Volume I (Part 1 & 2) was successfully printed in November 1996. The 2nd volume (Part 1 & 2) is now available for free distribution. Volumes 3-5 are also available.   As these books are for free distribution you may request them directly from SBVMS or through the post. If you have requested that the books be mailed to you, you will be informed of the required postage. Delivery is subject to the availability of stock and the process may take some time due to an influx of requests. See contact details above.

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