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D.I. Yogyakarta


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Kab. Jayapura

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Kabupaten Kebumen

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Kabupaten Kendari

Kabupaten Kota Baru

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Kabupaten Kudus

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Kabupaten Pontianak

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Kabupaten Purwokerto

Kabupaten Rangkas Bitung

Kabupaten Rembang

Kabupaten Salatiga

Kabupaten Semarang

Kabupaten Sorong.d

Kabupaten Sukabumi

Kabupaten Tabanan

Kabupaten Tanah Laut.

Kabupaten Tangerang

Kabupaten Tasikmalaya

Kabupaten Tegal

Kabupaten Temanggung

Kabupaten Wonogiri

Kabupaten Wonosobo

Kota Administratif Tarakan

Kota Administratip Singkawang

Kotamadya Ambon

Kotamadya Balikpapan

Kotamadya Banjarmasin

Kotamadya Jakarta Barat

Kotamadya Jakarta Pusat

Kotamadya Jakarta Selatan

Kotamadya Jakarta Timur

Kotamadya Jakarta Utara

Kotamadya Manado

Kotamadya Palu

Kotamadya Pontianak

Kotamadya Samarinda

Kotamadya Sambas


Nusa Tenggara Barat



Sulawesi Selatan

Sumatra Barat

Sumatra Selatan

Sumatra Utara


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Rissho Kosei-kai Buddhist Church of Hawaii

Address: 2280 Auhuhu Street.   Pearl City HI 96782
Tradition: Mahayana
Phone: 808-455-3212
Fax: 808-455-4633
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Publications Dir: bradley tom  Email  (Phone: 808-455-3212)
Main Contact: bradley tom  Email  
Notes and Events:

Based on the teachings of the Eternal Buddha Shakyamuni, through the scriptures of the Lotus Sutra as interpreted.  We strive to cultivate our spirituality by practicing the teachings in our daily lives, realize the Universal Truth & build great harmony within ourselves and the world.  “Rissho” means to stand on the right teachings of the Buddha. “Kosei” means to interact among people to try to perfect our character through mutual support and encouragement. “Kai” means a group of people of the same belief. Therefore, Rissho Kosei-kai means a community of believers that strive to perfect their character by interacting with others basing their actions on the Dharma (teaching) taught by the Buddha.

Sunday service 9:00 AM in both Japanese & English

Dharma studies, Hoza counseling sessions are conducted weekly and parade, obon festival are scheduled annually.

Rissho Kosei-Kai of the UK

Address: 143 Woodnesborough Road   Sandwich Kent CT13 0BA
Tradition: Mahayana, Japanese
Phone: 01304 611291
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Main Contact: John Gisbey  Email  
Notes and Events:

Rissho Kosei-kai is a worldwide Buddhist organization founded in Japan in 1938 by Nikkyo Niwano and Myoko Naganuma. It combines the wisdom of both the Lotus Sutra and the foundational teachings of Shakyamuni Buddha. Its purpose is to bring these transformative teachings to the modern world.

The Lotus Sutra is a teaching of human respect, both the study and practice of a spiritual path that develops human potential, and a way of living that seeks peace for all people. By studying, understanding, integrating, and practicing the teachings, human beings can gradually approach a state of mind free from delusions, thereby enriching their own lives and those of others around them. Because everything is interconnected, when people devote themselves to benefitting all beings through harmony, they create awareness and develop a better world. This is the ideal for practitioners of the Lotus Sutra.

Rissho Kosei-kai South Africa

Address: 53 Ravenshill, Turley Road, Lonehill, Johannesburg   Sandton 2146
Tradition: Mahayana
Affiliation: Rissho Kosei-kai Japan/International
Phone: (082) 8557801
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Main Contact: Andrew Christie  Email  (Phone: 0828557801)
Spiritual Director: Nichiko Niwano  
Teacher: Nichiko Niwano  
Notes and Events:

Rissho Kosei-kai is a worldwide Buddhist organization founded in Japan in 1938 by Nikkyo Niwano and Myoko Naganuma. It combines the wisdom of both the Lotus Sutra and the foundational teachings of Shakyamuni Buddha. Its purpose is to bring these transformative teachings to the modern world.

The Lotus Sutra is a teaching of human respect, both the study and practice of a spiritual path that develops human potential, and a way of living that seeks peace for all people. By studying, understanding, integrating, and practicing the teachings, human beings can gradually approach a state of mind free from delusions, thereby enriching their own lives and those of others around them. Because everything is interconnected, when people devote themselves to benefitting all beings through harmony, they create awareness and develop a better world. This is the ideal for practitioners of the Lotus Sutra.

River Oak Sangha

Address: 1905 Hartnell Avenue   Redding CA 96002
Tradition: Mahayana, Thich Nhat Hanh / Vietnamese Zen
Affiliation: Community of Mindful Living
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Notes and Events:

Meetings Every Wednesday evening from 6:30 to 8 p.m.

Riwoche Tibetan Buddhist Temple

Address: 28 Heintzman Street.   Toronto Ontario M6P 2J6
Tradition: Vajrayana, Taklung Kagyu, Nyingma
Phone: (416) 766-7964
Website: http;//
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Teacher: Khenpo Sonam Tobgyal Rinpoche  
Spiritual Director: Khenpo Sonam Tobgyal Rinpoche  
Notes and Events:

Medicine Buddha Meditation

Tuesday Evenings 7:30 p.m.

Stimulates the benefit of natural healing influences for
the health and well-being of oneself and others, especially
those suffering from physical and mental afflictions.

Tranquility Meditation

Thursday Evenings 8:00 p.m.

Cultivates mindfulness and awareness in a simple practice
which allows the busyness and speed of habitual mind to subside
so that intrinsic peace and clarity may manifest naturally.

Green Tara Meditation

Saturday and Sunday Mornings 9 a.m.
Invokes the feminine aspects of enlightened wisdom in the form
of Green Tara and nurtures the development of compassion.

RKUK (Rissho Kosei-kai of the UK)

Address: 29 Ashbourne Road   London W5 3ED
Tradition: Mahayana, Nichiren Buddhism
Affiliation: Rissho Kosei-kai
Phone: 02089333247
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Cofounder: Myoko Naganuma  
Founder: Nikkyo Niwano  
Main Contact: Rev Kyoichiro Hosoya  
Spiritual Director: President Nichiko Niwano  
Notes and Events:

RKUK has come to London to share the true spirit of Shakyamuni Buddha. The precious and ancient scriptures of the Lotus Sutra are our guiding light. 
Rissho Kosei-kai (RK) is a global Buddhist movement of people who hope to manifest the Buddha’s teachings in our own lives, applying them in our homes, workplaces and local communities – working towards a more peaceful world. We join hands with the followers of all faiths and none, and with people from all walks of life to take part in peace activities at home and around the world.
RK was founded in Tokyo, Japan in 1938, and its representative body Rissho Kosei-kai of the UK (RKUK) in Oxford in 1994.
‘Rissho’ means establishing the teaching of the true Dharma in our hearts and minds; ‘Kosei’ means aspiring to perfect oneself through interaction with many people, learning together and encouraging each other, and ‘kai’ means ‘society’ or ‘organisation’.
Our main scripture is the Threefold Lotus Sutra. Our Gohonzon, or focus of devotion, is the Eternal Buddha Shakyamuni—Great Benevolent Teacher, World-Honoured One. We have a Buddhist centre in West London as well as online programmes, which are open to anyone for practice.

Rochdale Zen Retreat

Address: The Briars, Grange Lane, Hutton   Preston Lancashire PR4 5JE
Tradition: Mahayana, Order of Buddhist Contemplatives, Soto Zen
Affiliation: Order of Buddhist Contemplatives
Phone: 01772 612112
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Founder: Rev. Master Jiyu-Kennett  
Main Contact: Reverend Master Peter Bonoati  (Phone: 01772 612112)
Teacher: Rev. Peter Bonati (Master)  
Notes and Events:

Buddhist Monastic Training Temple offering a daily schedule of meditation and authentic zen Buddhist practice for monastic and lay congregation
Regular Dharma events and meditation retreats. All retreats by appointment only.

Rochester Zen Center

Address: 7 Arnold Park, Rochester, New York, NY 14607 Roshi Bodhin Kjolhede  NY
Tradition: Mahayana
Affiliation: Cloud-Water Sangha
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Teachers: Roshi Bodhin Kjolhede  
Founder: Roshi Philip Kapleau  
Notes and Events:

Formal Morning Sittings with Chanting:
Tuesday through Friday: 5:45 − 7:00 a.m.
Saturday: 6:15 − 7:30 a.m.
Sunday: 8:30 − 10:45 a.m.
Formal Evening Sittings:
Monday 7:00 − 9:00 p.m.
Tuesday 7:00 − 8:45 p.m.
Thursday 7:00 − 9:00 p.m.
Friday 7:00 − 9:00 p.m.
The Center holds 7-day sesshin (zen meditation retreats) in January, April, June, July, October, and November as well as 2- and 4-day sesshin.

Rockford SatSangha

Address: various meeting places  Rockford IL 61103
Phone: 815 964-2007
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Main Contact: Judith Engblom  Email  
Notes and Events:

All Traditions welcome.

Meditation each Saturday morning 7:30. 

Call contact person for location of next meeting.

Rockhill Hermitage

Address: Wegirikanda, Hondiadeniya Via Gompola, Sri Lanka     
Tradition: Theravada, Vipassana Insight Meditation
Phone: 602 801 871
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Contact Persons: Venerable Bhante Kassapa & Tim Browning  
Spiritual Director: Venerable Bhante Kassapa Rockhill Hermitage and Rockhill International Buddhist Nunnery offer group and individual Vipassana Insight Meditation retreats for Westerners and Sri Lankans. The head teache  

Rockridge Meditation Community

Address: 5463 College Avenue Oakland, Ca 94618   Rockridge CA 94618
Tradition: Mahayana, Koan Zen
Affiliation: Pacific Zen Institute
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Teacher: David Weinstein  
Spiritual Director: John Tarrant, Roshi  Email  
Contact: Steven Grant  Email  
Notes and Events:

The Rockridge Meditation Community is the Oakland home of the Pacific Zen Institute. Our mission is to develop a culture for transforming the mind through meditation, koans, conversation, and the arts. We offer a quiet and inviting space for meditation, Koan study and conversation.

Rocky Mountain Insight

Address: 2525 W. Pikes Peak Ave, Suite A   Colorado Springs 80904
Tradition: Theravada, Vipassana, Burmese, Sri Lankan
Affiliation: Dhamma Dena
Phone: 7193370237
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Board President: David Reinberger  Email  
Teacher: Lucinda Green  
Spiritual Director: Lucinda T. Green  Email  
Notes and Events:

We offer a number of weekly sittings, year round classes, a monthly Children's Program, various Kalyana Mitta (Spiritual Friends) Groups. and DPP Dedicated Practitioner Programs. We take the refuges and precepts monthly and celebrate Wesak joyfully each year. Sign up to receive our newsletter at for the most updated information and news of special events.

Rohana Vipassana Meditation Center

Address: Aagarawala   Aparekka, Matara Southern MH 81032
Tradition: Theravada
Affiliation: Sri Mathikarama Purana Viharaya
Phone: 94-60-2414710
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Spiritual Director: Ven. Ullala Chandima Maha Thera  (Phone: 94-60-2414710)
Main Contact: Ven. Ullala Chandima Maha Thera  (Phone: 94-60-2414710)
Notes and Events:

Forest Monastery  provides meditation instructions & spiritual guidances.

ROKPA Cardiff

Address: Tibetan Buddhist Centre 100 Moorland Road  Splott, Cardiff Wales CF24 2LP
Tradition: Vajrayana, Karma Kagyu
Phone: 029 20499185
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Contact: Lorraine Harris, Co-ordinator/Administrator  
Teachers: His Holiness 17th Karmapa, Lama Yeshe Losal Rinpoche,  
Main Contact: Lorraine Harris  Email  (Phone: 02920 499185)
Teacher: Abbot: Lama Yeshe Losal Rinpoche  
Spiritual Director: Dr Akong Tulku Rinpoche  (Phone: 013873 73232)
Notes and Events:

Guided Meditation Classes on:

Tuesdays 7.30pm - 8.30pm Classes for All at the Twyn Community Centre, Caerphilly 

Wednesdays 5.50pm - 6.50pm for Beginners at 100 Moorland Road, Cardiff

Wednesdays 7pm - 8pm classes for All at 100 Moorland Road, Cardiff 

Mon - Thurs 6pm - 7pm Shiney practice (please phone if you are attending these sessions)


7am - 8.15am Monday to Friday - Green Tara Sadhana at 100 Moorland Road, Cardiff

8.30am - 1-am Saturdays - Green Tara Sadhana at 100 Moorland Road, Cardiff

5.30pm Sundays - Guru Rinpoche Sadhana at 17 Princes Avenue, Caerphilly

6.30pm Sundays - Chenrezig Sadhana at 17 Princes Avenue, Caerphilly

6.30pm Mondays - Chenrezig Sadhana at 100 Moorland Road, Cardiff 

Rondebosch Dharma Centre

Address: 6 Lulworth Mansions, Saint Andrews Road Rondebosch, Cape Town 7700 South Africa  
Tradition: Mahayana, Kwan Um School of Zen (Korean)
Phone: (27) 21-686-3698
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Main Contact: Abbot:  (Phone: 082 344 2683)
Guiding Teacher: Heila Downey, JDPSN  
Founding Teacher: Zen Master Seung Sahn  
Notes and Events:

This centre offers regular practice and meditation instruction on Tuesday evenings. We do chanting, 2 rounds of sitting meditation (30 minutes each) with a short walking meditation in between followed by a teaching reading.
Practice starts at 7:00 pm and concludes at about 9:00 pm.

Every month we offer one non-residential Sunday retreat, starting at 8:30 am, concluding at 3:45 pm. Tea/coffee is provided, and it is suggested that each participant brings her/his own light lunch. There is also an opportunity to have interviews with Rodney Downey (Senior Dharma Teacher) or Heila Downey (Master Dharma Teacher), as well as a dharma talk, followed by a question/answer period and a discussion session.

Rongton Buddhist Centre Incorporated

Address: Contact Robin for details   Alderley Qld
Tradition: Vajrayana, Sakya
Affiliation: Sakya Losal Choe Dzong (Canberra)
Phone: 07 33115532 Mob. 0439 992 312 0409 486 540
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President: Robin Mathieson  Email  (Phone: (07) 33568791)
Main Contact: Ven. Tsultim  Email  (Phone: (07) 33524730)
Teacher: Ven. Lekshe Tsultim  
Spiritual Director: Lama Choedak Rinpoche  
Notes and Events:

Location: north Brisbane

Weekly Practice Schedule:

Wednesday evenings at 7.30pm: Refuge prayers & Calm Abiding Meditation practice followed by Chenrezig practice and tea & chat.

Tuesdays evenings at 7.30pm: Introduction to Calm Abiding Meditation (8 week course)

Weekly Vajrayana practice:

Saturday morning at 7.00am:  Green Tara Puja (All welcome)

 Calm Abiding Meditation at 8am. with Refuge Prayers and some prostrations (recommended but optional) suitable for all.

Sunday morning at 9.30am: White Tara (uncommon version)

White Soor Offering for the Deceased by request

Check our new website for up and coming events

Rose Apple Sangha

Address: Mid-Warwickshire, West Midlands   Warwickshire
Tradition: Mahayana
Affiliation: Community of Interbeing
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Spiritual Director: Thich Nhat Hanh  
Main Contact: Allison  (Phone: 01789 490994)
Notes and Events:

First and third Thursdays, 7pm for 7.30pm

Rosslyn Zendo

Address: 1835 N Nash Street   Arlington VI 22209
Tradition: Non-Sectarian, Open Gate Zendo
Affiliation: Washington Mindfulness Community, Blue Ridge Zen Center
Phone: 5714388349
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Spiritual Director: Alex Yuan  Email  (Phone: 5714388349)
Main Contact: Greg Bauer  Email  (Phone: 3193312762)
Notes and Events:

The Rosslyn Zendo is a non-denominational meditation group that meets from 7:15 to 7:45am Monday-Friday in the Arlington Methodist Temple for silent group meditation. Most of our members are trained in the Zen tradition but we welcome all individuals interested in the practice of contemplative silence. We are located above the Rosslyn Metro Station which provides a unique opportunity for commuters throughout Northern Virginia to meditate before going to work in Washington D.C.

For those new to meditation we hold introductory sessions and weekly Dharma talks. If you have any questions please see our website for the latest updates or contact us at:

Roswell Insight Meditation Community

Address: Heron House 102 Russell Road Roswell, GA 30075   Roswell GA 30075
Tradition: Theravada
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Dharma Leader: Mark Gebert  
Dharma Leader: Lisa Story  
Notes and Events:

We are a diverse group of practitioners dedicated to cultivating greater understanding, compassion, and wisdom, through the teachings of the Buddha.  

We meet weekly on Monday evenings in Roswell, Georgia.  For those new to insight meditation, please arrive by 6:30 pm, to receive brief instruction before we begin at 7:00.

We typically begin with a sitting of 20-30 minutes, followed by a Dharma talk and Metta practice. For more information, please visit our web site at

Rudura Anandaniketan Buddhist Temple

Tradition: Theravada
Affiliation: Buddhist Cultural Progressive Association & Welfare Non-political, Socio-Cultural & Non-profitable
Phone: +8801819025464
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Main Contact: VEN. B. L. MITRA  Email  (Phone: +8801819025464)
Notes and Events:


This monastery run by the donation of the People. In this monastery are ten monks and novices. And some of the Monastery helpers who attend in the school also supported by the Most respected VEN. BUDHI RARATAN THERO.

Rural Awareness For Integrated Development Society (RAIDS)

Address: H.No. 1-5-87, Ambedkar Colony Sirpur-Kaghaznagar, Dist. Adilabad. Pin Code No. 504296 (A.P.). INDIA   Sirpur-Kaghaz nagar Andhra Pradesh 504296
Tradition: Mahayana
Phone: +00-08738-236922,+00-9963050987,+00-9440739207
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DURGAM: SHYAMRAO  Email  (Phone: +00-9490917467)
RAMREKE: MANOHAR  Email  (Phone: 00-08738-236922 ,+00-9963050987)
Notes and Events:

We provide trainings to children's every Sunday and distribute Buddha vandana books

Also we have regular trainings on Dhamma.

Sacramento Buddhist Fellowship

Address: Sierra College Boulevard   Roseville CN 95661
Tradition: Mahayana, Buddhist Faith Fellowship
Affiliation: North American Shin Buddhist Association
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Main Contact: T Brown  
Notes and Events:

The Sacramento Buddhist Fellowship (SBF) offers free meditation and discussions about the Buddha\\\'s teachings. Gathering most Sunday mornings in Roseville. All welcome.
The Sacramento Buddhist Fellowship serves Sacramento and Placer Counties and their local communities like Rosemont, Granite Bay, Lincoln, Auburn, Arden - Arcade, Davis, Elk Grove, North Highland and Rancho Cordova.  We are an independent affiliated community of the North American Shin Buddhist Association (NASBA).Visit NASBA at

Sacramento Buddhist Meditation Group

Address: 3600 Riverside Boulevard   Sacramento CA
Tradition: Non-Sectarian, Recognized teachers in all major lineages
Phone: 916-541-4242
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Spiritual Director: Peer-lead  
Notes and Events:

SBMG is a peer-led group with little ceremony which since 1991 has regularly presented recognized teachers from all the major Buddhist traditions.   Our usual 7:00 p.m., Sunday evening meeting includes a 40-minute meditation and a talk by a visiting teacher.  On some nights we have a talk by a sangha member or a group discussion.  We also offer introductory meditation classes and monthly one-day retreats  See  website for calendar of events.  All are welcome. There is no prerequisite.  Free, by donation.

Sad Paramita Temple

Address: Jl Babakan Tarogong 251   Bandung Jawa Barat 40232
Tradition: Vajrayana
Phone: 62-22-6124422
Fax: 62-22-6015610
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Co Director: Mrs Julia Johan  Email  (Phone: 62-85721464381)
Teacher: Master Xue Shan  
Main Contact: Mr Jo U Leng  Email  (Phone: 62-8122166248)
Spiritual Director: Master Xue Shan  (Phone: 62-8122166248)
Notes and Events:

Mondays and Thursdays: Mantra chanting and Meditation.

Monthly temple activity to help local needs via various form of charity activities i.e. providing free medical check ups for the poor, helping the victims of natural calamities, blood donation, and more.

Other Buddhist activities include yearly Bardo ceremony for the deceased.

Sadaham Sewana Buddhist Centre

Address: 45 Fitzpatrick Street   Menangle Park NSW 2563
Tradition: Theravada, Sri Lankan Galduwan Forest Tradition
Phone: +61 (0) 487 402 223
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Spiritual Director: Venerable Wagadapola Wimalagnana Thero  
Notes and Events:

Sadaham Sewana is an organisation established with the noble intention of spreading the teachings of supreme Gothama Buddha and allowing the local community to engage in mindfulness activities leading to liberation from Samsara Dukka.

With strong motivation and support from the local Buddhist community, Sadaham Sewana was established in year 2021. The overwhelming enthusiasm within the devotees is an indication that Sadaham Sewana has a great potential to deliver to the spiritual needs of the local community.

 Sadaham Sewana Buddhist Centre operates under full guidance and spiritual leadership of Kalyani Yogashrama Samstha / Galduwan Forest Tradition. Śrī Kalyāṇī Yogāśrama Sansthā, also known as the Galduwa Forest Tradition is an independent part of the Sri Lankan Rāmañña Nikāya Buddhist ordination line, with their headquarters in Galduva, Kahawa – Ambalangoda. They keep a strict standard of Vinaya, recognised as the strictest standard of any major organisation in Sri Lanka. It is the largest forest sect of the Sri Lankan Sangha.

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