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D.I. Yogyakarta


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Kabupaten Sorong.d

Kabupaten Sukabumi

Kabupaten Tabanan

Kabupaten Tanah Laut.

Kabupaten Tangerang

Kabupaten Tasikmalaya

Kabupaten Tegal

Kabupaten Temanggung

Kabupaten Wonogiri

Kabupaten Wonosobo

Kota Administratif Tarakan

Kota Administratip Singkawang

Kotamadya Ambon

Kotamadya Balikpapan

Kotamadya Banjarmasin

Kotamadya Jakarta Barat

Kotamadya Jakarta Pusat

Kotamadya Jakarta Selatan

Kotamadya Jakarta Timur

Kotamadya Jakarta Utara

Kotamadya Manado

Kotamadya Palu

Kotamadya Pontianak

Kotamadya Samarinda

Kotamadya Sambas


Nusa Tenggara Barat



Sulawesi Selatan

Sumatra Barat

Sumatra Selatan

Sumatra Utara


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Saddhamma Foundation

Address: 1685 Suncrest Ct   Walnut Creek CA 94597
Tradition: Theravada, Venerable Mahasi Sayadaw
Affiliation: Panditarama Forest Meditation Center
Phone: 925-944-1203
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Spiritual Director: Sayadaw U Pandita  
Notes and Events:

Saddhamma Foundation was formed to support the Venerable Sayadaw U Pandita 1989. We provide resources about Satipatthana (mindfulness) and Vipassana (insight) meditation and meditation retreats. We have extensive information for those who wish to travel to and practice meditation at the Panditarama Forest Center in Burma. From December 1st to January 31st, the Forest Center conducts the annual 60-Day Special Retreat led by Sayadaw U Pandita. Please contact us for more information.

Sadhanarama Bana Vihara

Address: Jyotsnapur village   Diyun Arunachal Pradesh 792103
Tradition: Theravada, Bana Bhante (Sadhanananda Mahathera)
Affiliation: Sadhanarama Foundation
Phone: +91 7085353644
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Teacher: s  
Main Contact: Ven. Jinananda Bhikkhu  Email  (Phone: +91 7085353644)
Notes and Events:

Arunachal Pradesh, the Land of the rising Sun, a serene land tucked into the North Eastern tip of India with its borders touching China, Bhutan and Myanmar, Arunachal Pradesh has been endowed with a natural landscape, untamed rivers, thundering peaks and wild forests is awe inspiring and majestic.

In the Land of the rising sun, Sadhanarama Bana Vihara is located in Diyun circle, a small township on rise in Changlang district of Arunachal Pradesh with branch centers in Chongkham under Namsai district, Bijoypur under Bordumsa Circle, Ratnapur under Kharsang Circle, Dharmapur and Deban under Miao Circle.

Diyun, which is mostly inhabited by Chakma Community, a Theravada Buddhist Community which takes great pride in its rich cultural heritage and pure traditional Buddhist culture. The Chakmas are the largest Buddhist Community in India. Since time immemorial, the Chakmas are followers of Theravada Buddhism, claiming to have originated from Sakya race in which Gautama Buddha was born.

Sadhanarama Bana Vihara is a Buddhist Monastery in the pure Theravada traditions with emphasis on the study and practice of Morality and mediation. It was established in 2005 by the Most Venerable Nandapal Mahathera and follows the great lineage of the late Most Revered Venerable Sadhanananda Mahathera, popularly and lovingly known as Bana Bhante.

​Life at Sadhanarama Bana Vihara around the Sangha, a Community of Monks and Lay Community. The Community of Monks follow the Dhamma full time and teach the Dhamma to the lay Community, which in turn supports the Community of Monks by providing the Four Requisites of a Monk - Food, Robes, Residence and Medicines. Lay person, who wish to develop their practice participate in the programs and activities at the Monastery. 

​When we turn the pages of the history of the Sadhanarama Bana Vihara, we learn that since its inception it has brought many social, economic and cultural changes in the society. Before the establishment, people were afflicted with the dreaded disease of Alcohols, gambling, fighting, raring of animals in the name of gods to bring good fortunes, blind beliefs, rites and rituals. Taking of alcoholic drinks, drugs and gambling made the people poor. With the comprehensive and continuous gift of dhamma, people abandoned those dreaded disease afflicting the society and there was drastic change in the Socio-economic, spiritual and cultural development. 

The Community of Monks at Sadhanarama Bana Vihara are encourged to practice the Dhamma in Monastery as well as in Forest.  We provides Monastics Training with a solid foundation and train them in the practical affairs of Buddhism and giving them a conception of Sangha management. Emphasis is placed on strict observance of precepts so that they will be able to propagate the Dhamma. The Monks staying in Monastery run the Dhamma programs and other humanitarian activities of the Foundation. After helping in the Monastery, if the Monks wants to refine their mind, they go to forest for Meditation. 

The Monks living in Forest live a life of simplicity, austerity with diligent effort to refine their minds. They go door-to-door for alms food in the villages. The Monks never knew where their next meal would come from, or whether they would get any food at all. The Forest Tradition revival is an attempt to reach back to past centuries before modern era and revitalize the ancient standards of Buddhist practice that were missing in contemporary monastic life.In this way, our Monks function dual roles dedicating their life to the welfare and happiness of many and developing the mind. 

Sadhanarama Bana Vihara’s objective is to instill, strengthen, moral and spiritual values in individuals, society and the world to promote a society of wisdom, compassion and gratitude.

Sagaramudra Buddhist Society

Address: 5 Lorong 29 Geylang   Singapore 388060
Tradition: Mahayana
Phone: (65) 6746 7582
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Spiritual Director: Founder; Master Yuan Fan  
Notes and Events:

Master Yuan Fan, the founder of SBS, has the ideal of improving people’s mind, purifying the society and elevating the quality & character strength of the community through the Buddha’s Dharma.

Based on the above ideal, Sagaramudra Buddhist Society is established to achieve 3 Objectives:

Promote Buddhist Education

Nurture the Sanghas

Provide guidance for people interested in Buddhist practice.

Saint John Shambhala Meditation Group

Tradition: Vajrayana, Kagyu, Nyingma, Shambhala lineages
Affiliation: Shambhala International
Phone: 506-638-9354
Coordinator: Vallie Stearns  Email  (Phone: 506-638-9354)
Spiritual Director: Sakyong Mipham Rinpoche  
Notes and Events:

The Saint John Shambhala Meditation Group is a local group of meditation practioners inspired by the Shambhala Buddhist teachings of basic goodness and enlightened society.  We are affliated with Shambhala International whose spiritual head is the Sakyong Mipham Rinpoche.

Our community of meditation practioners meets Wednesday evenings at 7:00-9:00 to strengthen our individual practice and learn more about meditation.  We meet in "The Sitting Room" at 42 Wentworth St. near King St. E.  We meditate together for an hour, followed by tea and discussion or contemplation based on selected readings.

Instruction is provided for newcomers in "shamatha" meditation, or the practice of "peaceful abiding".  Meditation is a natural state of the human mind - at rest, open, alert. The basic meditation technique predates all religious traditions, though it is used in one way or another by each of them. Undertaken as a steady practice, meditation allows the mind to relax and settle. It encourages our inherent qualities of stability, clarity and mental strength to emerge.

Occasionally we host weekend meditation programs directed by senior teachers.  These activities are usually coordinated with other Shambhala centers in the Maritime region with whom we share resources and maintain contact.  Please check our website to see if there are any upcoming programs in the near future.

Sakya Dechen Ling buddhistisches Zentrum Stuttgart

Address: Alexanderstr. 141A  Stuttgart Baden-Wuerttemberg 70180
Tradition: Vajrayana, Sakya
Phone: +49 711 7803763
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Main Contact: Wolfgang Staufner  
Teacher: H.H. Sakya Trizin  
Spiritual Director: Lama Jampa Thaye  
Notes and Events:

Die Meditations- und Studiengruppe Sakya Dechen Ling, Stuttgart wurde im Jahre 2005 von Lama Jampa Thaye gegründet. Lama Jampa besucht uns regelmäßig, um Unterweisungen und Einweihungen zu geben.

Unser Meditationsraum befindet sich im Rückgebäude Alexanderstr. 141A.

Der Zugang erfolgt über die Staffel zischen Etzel- und Alexanderstrasse.

Tel.: 0711 7803763


Wir sind eine offene Gruppe von praktizierenden Buddhisten und freuen uns über neue Gesichter. Wir treffen uns regelmäßig

jeden Donnerstag um 19:00

zur "Stillen Meditation" und Textstudium in unserem Meditationsraum in der Alexanderstr. 141A.

Alle Interessierten sind herzlich eingeladen!

Sakya Sena

Address: 416A,VKK MENON ROAD, SIDHAPUDUR, COIMBATORE-641 044   Coimbatore Tamil Nadu 641044
Tradition: Non-Sectarian
Phone: 9994883800
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Spiritual Director: chellasamy.v  Email  (Phone: 9994883800)
Main Contact: chellasamy.v  Email  (Phone: 9344158787)
Teacher: Arun  
Notes and Events:

Our ultimate aim is to cultivate the Dhamma, through the education, meditation, martial arts and medicine for the betterment of living beings.

Sakya Thubten Ling

Address: 167 Shelbourne Road Charminster  Bournemouth Dorset BH8 8RD
Tradition: Vajrayana, Tibetan Sakya
Affiliation: Sakya Centre, Dehra Dun, India
Phone: 01202-538108
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Spiritual Director: Lama Thubten Nyima  Email  (Phone: 01202-538108)
Main Contact: Vedant Wnite  Email  (Phone: 01202-538108)
Teacher: Lama Jamyang Lekshey  
Notes and Events:

Sundays 18.00-19.30 Introductory Buddhist Teachings and Meditation

Wednesdays 19.30-21.00 Meditation

Thursdays 09.30-11.00 Meditation

Sakya Tibetan Buddhist Center / Sakya Buddhist Foundation (Admin Office)

Address: 78 Elcano Strcjxjxj B   Manila 1006
Tradition: Mahayana, Gelugpa , Sakyapa , Kagyudpa , Tibetan Buddhism, Taoism
Affiliation: Philippine Buddhism / Taoism
Phone: 09186689888
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Teacher: Master Lu  
Spiritual Director : Master Fa Lien  Email  (Phone: 09186689888)
Notes and Events:

Philippine Institute of Buddhist Learning and Practice / Feng Shui Philippines

Philippine Buddhist Esoteric Geomancy Center


We offer FREE Buddhist chanting lesson , Buddhist chanting and prayer service , Buddhist sutra and book for daily practice , Buddhist healing and vegetarian cooking class.

We also offer FREE basic feng shui lesson






Sakyadhita Nunnery

Address: V.D.C. Madhubani-7, Buddha Nagar, Rupandehi, Lumbini, Nepal  Lumbini Lumbini
Tradition: Theravada
Affiliation: Non-sectarian
Phone: 178 049 31677
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Spiritual Director: Ven. Bodhi Sakyadhita  Email  (Phone: 178 049 31677)
Main Contact: Ven. Bodhi Sakyadhita  Email  
Teacher: Venerable Metteyya Sakyaputta  
Notes and Events:

Sakyadhita Nunnery is a haven for the rural girls of Lumbini who would otherwise face a life of child marriage, no education, and hard labour. By creating this nunnery we are able to offer them the chance to complete their education and empower them to make their own decision to continue on to college, get a job, remain as a nun or get married.

Sakyamuni Sambuddha Vihara & Buddhist Vihara Victora

Address: 125 Homestead Road   Berwick Vic 3806
Tradition: Theravada, Sri Lankan
Affiliation: Siri Vajiragnana Dharmayathanaya (Sri Lanka)
Phone: 61 3 9702 6275
Fax: 61 3 9702 6274
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Main Contact: Ven. Digamadulle Wimalananda Thera  
Teacher: Ven. Digamadulle Wimalananda Thera  
Spiritual Director: Ven. Gangodawilla Soma Thera  
Notes and Events:

Teachers: Ven. Digamadulle Wimalananda and Thera Ven. Kalyanadhamma Thero

About Buddhist Vihara Victoria

Buddhist Vihara Victoria Inc. (BVV) was established in 1994 under the guidance of the late Venerable Gangodawila Soma Thero. The association is affiliated to the Siri Vajiragnana Dharmayathanaya in Sri Lanka. From its inception, there were three major objectives for setting up this Vihara:

1) Setting up an education, research and Information centre to make the Buddha’s teaching (Dhamma) available to all who come in search of it

2) To be a focal point for the next generation of Australians to learn and follow the Buddhist way of life including practices of Dana (letting go), Seela (virtue) and Bhavana (meditation).

3) To safeguard and protect the welfare of all living beings and promote inter-communal peace, harmony and amity.

The Vihara, which started at Noble Park grew in numbers until, the pressing need for more space made it necessary to move to more spacious premises.
A residence for the monks was built on a five acre property in Berwick and the Vihara moved there in March 2001 and was named Sakyamuni Sambuddha Vihara.

Plans are underway to construct a hall to provide space for all those benefiting from the services provided by the Vihara.

These include; the Dhamma school, meditation programs, public discourses, cultural and religious festivals. This will also house the library and research facility.

Sakyasingha Rathapala Buddhist Monastery

Address: Buddha Lok, Meerut Road  HAPUR 245101
Tradition: Non-Sectarian
Affiliation: The World Fellowship of Buddhists
Phone: 0091-9358560005
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Main Contact: M.K. Otani  (Phone: 00-91-9837044142)
Spiritual Director: Loknayak Ashvaghosh Mahanayak Mahathera  
Notes and Events:

Sakyasingha Rathapala Buddhist Monastery


Chief Abbot :        His Eminence Lag Mahanayak Mahathera
Location:        Buddha Lok, Meerut Road, Hapur-245101 (U.P.)
Area:        Around 1000 Sq. Yards in Hapur and 1.134
                             hectares in Village Fagautta, Tehsil Hapur, District

The INTERNATIONAL BUDDHA EDUCATION INSTITUTE (IBEI) was established in 1952 at Hapur. The Institute got itself formally registered by the Registrar of Societies, Uttar Pradesh in 1980-81.

From its very inception the Institute has preserving the Monastery at Hapur. The Hapur land of the institute was donated by the leading businessman of Hapur Dr. Prabhakar Mishra, who belongs to the family of Rathapala and he encourage us to make a monastery in the memory of Rathapala. Dr. Prabhakar Mishra passed away recently. At Fagautta, the land is allotted by Government of Uttar Pradesh in the name of International Buddha Education Institute. The institute has been engaged in the welfare works specially for the benefit of destitute women and children and has setup several child welfare centres and foster homes. At its headquarters at HAPUR it has a campus comprising of 32 rooms which apart from housing the office and the staff of the Institute also provides for one orphanage where 20 destitute children are being maintained. The Institute time to time organise conferences/workshops/seminar/symposium on Buddhism as wells as issues such as Non Conventional Energy Sources, Destitute Children, Social Justice, Environment and Energy, etc.


To provide global attention to HAPUR (THULLAKOTHITTA) as the International Historical Place.

To established a hi-tech Buddhist Library and a Buddhist Monastery at Hapur, where millions of devotes from India as well as abroad able to get Buddhist literature.

To established a guest house at Hapur for the foreigners.  

To carry to the farthest corners of the world the message of world peace, brotherhood and friendship and to promote the spread of Buddhism through Buddhist Education, including establishment of temples for the study of philosophy and Buddhist worship.

To organise seminars for the training, recruitment and posting of monks, preacher and teachers.

To work for cooperative relations between the Buddhists-and-Non-Buddhists.

To work for the development of society and culture.



The location of Monastery is Buddha Lok, Hapur District Ghaziabad situated at 55 km. northeast from New Delhi on National Highway 24

Salem Zen Center

Address: 5090 Center Street NE   Salem OR 97317
Tradition: Mahayana, Harada-Yasutani
Affiliation: Zen
Phone: (503) 949-3188
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Teacher: Lee Ann Nail  
Notes and Events:

Each Wednesday: Sitting Zen meditation facing the east chapel wall from 5:30 to 6:30 p.m. and  from 7:00 to 9:00 p.m. sitting and walking meditation, silent tea, Dharma talk, discussion and washing bowls together. Offered free of charge. Beginning instruction available by request at 7:00 p.m. Currently the group is studying the Sayings and Doings of a Wise Bird together.

Salida Sangha

Address: 248 D St. Salida, CO 81201   Salida CO 81201
Tradition: Vipassana
Phone: 719-539-1732
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Main Contact: Roberta Smith  Email  (Phone: 719-539-1732)
Teacher: Brian Lesage  
Notes and Events:

The Salida Sangha is dedicated to fostering a welcoming community for all people to explore meditation, mindful living, and the teachings of the Buddha. We come together to support each other on the path of awakening and to deepen our practice of wisdom and compassion for the benefit of all beings.

The Salida Sangha is dedicated to the teachings of the Buddha as presented in the Vipassana tradition. The practice of mindful awareness, called insight or Vipassana meditation, is at the heart of all of our activities. The Sangha offers weekly meditation sessions, residential and non-residential meditation retreats, library resources, and teachings led by recognized Buddhist teachers.

Salt Lake Buddhist Fellowship

Address: 2154 S Highland Drive   Salt Lake City 84106
Tradition: Mahayana, Jodo Shin
Affiliation: North American Shin Buddhist Association
Phone: 8015028130
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Spiritual Director: Christopher Myoshin Leibow  Email  (Phone: 8015028130)
Trustee: Linnea Ross  Email  (Phone: 801-580-3677)
Notes and Events:

SALT LAKE BUDDHIST FELLOWSHIP’s   purpose is to promote the practice of American Buddhism with an emphasis on the Pure Land tradition by providing opportunities for spiritual practice, religious study, and community fellowship. Our religious practice follows the teachings of the historical Buddha as they have been handed down through successive generations from India through China and Japan to the United States. It is the mission of the Salt Lake Buddhist Fellowship, Inc. to live by and share the dharma with all.  The Sangha is by this instrument formally dedicated to the teachings of Shakyamuni Buddha and other pure land teachers. As a Sangha, we are guided by the abundant forms of Buddhist practice including the chanting of the nembutsu, silent meditations and other insights gained through the devotion to the Way of Oneness and the manifestation of the Great Compassion found in the representation of Amida Buddha and, as Buddhists, to assist in to development and advancement of the community.

Salt Lake Buddhist Fellowship

Address: 966 Canyon Ridge Way 21   Salt Lake City UT 84047
Tradition: Non-Sectarian
Affiliation: North American Shin Buddhist Association
Phone: 8015028130
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Spiritual Director: Myoshin Ross-Leibow  Email  (Phone: 8015028130)
Notes and Events:

We meet each Sunday at 10 AM  to Chant the nembutsu and to share and support each other’s dharma practice. we have an open and engaged group with all levels of experience. We like to say in our tradition, "come as you are..." There is no dress code, and nothing you need to do but attend. The fellowship is a great place to learn about Buddhism and a more devotional style of Buddhism we call the Way of Oneness as personified in Amitabha Buddha. Welcome to the place where Buddhism and the everyday meet.

Salt Lake Buddhist Fellowship

Address: Vitalize Community Studios North Entrance 2154 Highland Drive   Salt Lake City 84106
Tradition: Mahayana
Affiliation: North American Shin Buddhist Association
Phone: 8015028130
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Spiritual Director: Christopher Myoshin Leibow  Email  (Phone: 8015028130)
Notes and Events:

We meet every Sunday at 10 am.  Our meeting consists of an open discussion regarding our individual mindfulness practice, chanting, silent mediation, some devotional practices and finally an open Dharma discussion.   In our tradition we say, "come as you are...." there is no dress code and the fellowship is open to everyone.

Sam Poh Thong

Address: 396, Jalan 7, Kg Baru Ampang,  Ampang Selangor 68000
Tradition: Mahayana
Affiliation: Poh Lum Nunnery, Petaling Jaya, Selangor
Phone: 603-4292 6943
Fax: 603-4292 6943
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Main Contact: Ven Sing Kan  
Spiritual Director: Ven Kai Sau  
Notes and Events:

Regular Programme / Schedule :-

Sunday Dhamma Class for children : 9.00am to 12.00noon

New and Full Moon Cultivation       

Recitation of Pu Men Ping                : 10.00am to 10.45am

Dhamma Talk                              : 11.00am to 11.30am

Offerings to Buddha                      : 11.30am to 12.00noon

Every last Sunday of the Lunar Calendar   :  10.00am to 11.00am

Medicine Buddha Dharma Assembly

Samadhi Buddhist Meditation Centre

Address: 5908 - 67TH AVE N  Pinellas Park FL 33781
Tradition: Non-Sectarian, Early (Pali) Buddhism
Phone: 727-744-4377 & 727-330-8542
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Main Contact: Venerable Upananda Thero Dedunupitiye  Email  
Teacher: Venerable Upananda Thero Dedunupitiye  
Spiritual Director: Venerable Bhikkhuni Sudarshana  Email  
Notes and Events:

Non-sectarian by nature, this centers congregation is comprised of local Americans. Conducts regular programs on samatha (tranquality) and vipassana (insight) meditations. Services include funeral service, house-warming, house-blessing, ministering to the sick and dying, guidance counseling in all areas of life, teaching Pali, Theravada Buddhism, Pali chanting.

Offered in English only, the services are open to people in Tampa Bay Area and beyond.

All services are absolutely free of charge. Donations welcome. As a non-profit organization registered in and approved by the State of Florida, Samadhi Buddhist Meditation Center issues receipts for donations for income tax purposes. Checks payable to SAMADHI BUDDHIST MEDITATION CENTER.

Samadhi Buddhist Vihara

Address: 358 Maddisons Road, Rolleston Christchurch, New zealand   Christchurch 7678
Tradition: Theravada
Affiliation: Sri Lankan
Phone: 0064 3 3499925, 0064 220630568
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Main Contact: Thilak  Email  (Phone: 0064 2102615993)
Spiritual Director: Bhante soma  Email  (Phone: 0064 220630568)
Teacher: Bhante Soma  
Notes and Events:

Sunday School 9.00am to 12 pm 

Sunday Meditation  5.00pm to 7.00pm

Wednesday Meditation 7.00pm to  9.00pm

Saturday 2.30 pm to 5.30 pm Meditation

Saturday 6.00pm 7.30 pm Buddha puja and dhamma talk

Seela programe every second week of the month 8.30 am to

 Temple opening time every day 5.00 am to 9.00pm

Samatha Buddhist Meditation Group - Sheffield

Address: Ranmoor Parish Centre 5 Ranmoor Park Road   Sheffield Yorkshire S10 3GX
Tradition: Theravada
Affiliation: Samatha Trust, UK National Organisation
Phone: 01629 814 617
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Contact: Ian Rose  
Notes and Events:

Classes are held in the Annexe of Ranmoor Parish Centre on Thursdays at 8 pm. We teach a form of breathing mindfulness which is very suitable for lay people in a busy world. Classes involve group practice, dhamma talks or dhamma discussion and individual guidance from a samatha teacher.

There is no charge for teaching but you will be asked to make a contribution towards the costs of running the class.

Samatha Meditation in Twickenham

Address: Lower Meeting Rooms, St Margaret of Scotland Catholic Church, 130 St Margarets Road St Margarets   Twickenham Middlesex TW1 1RL
Tradition: Theravada
Affiliation: The Samatha Trust
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Main Contact: James  Email  
Notes and Events:

Samatha means calm. Samatha meditation is a gentle but effective way to train the mind to develop inner strength and wisdom using breathing mindfulness.

The Samatha Twickenham class is open to anyone who wishes to attend. No previous experience of meditation is required and beginners are welcome. Please feel free to join the class any week.

There is no charge for teaching, but we welcome donations to cover the cost of the room hire (suggested donation £4 to £5). During the meeting, there is usually a talk and a group meditation practice. Please bring a cushion on which you are comfortable sitting. Because everybody's experience of meditation is different, there is an opportunity each week to speak to the teacher one-to-one, before or after the meeting. Tea and coffee will be available.


St Margaret’s Catholic Church is a modern building set back from the eastern side of St Margaret’s Road, opposite Tescos.  There is a car park outside.  Approaching from the north, from the A316, the turning for the car park is on the left just before the bridge over the railway line.  Approaching from the south along St Margarets Road, the turning for the church is the first right after St Margaret's station.

The church is a short walk from St Margaret’s railway station for trains from Waterloo, Vauxhall, Clapham Junction, Putney, Barnes, Mortlake, Richmond and Twickenham. It is also a short walk from the bus stop for the H37 bus which runs from Richmond to Hounslow. 

Samden Ling

Address:   Portland 97228
Tradition: Vajrayana, Longchen Nyingthig
Affiliation: Dzogchen Nyingthig
Phone: 503-790-1064
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Main Contact: Jacqueline Mandell  Email  (Phone: 503-790-1064)
Teacher: Jacqueline Mandell  
Spiritual Director: Adzom Rinpoche  
Notes and Events:

In the spirit of lovingkindness and open heartedness we welcome all levels, including new practitioners, to engage in learning and practicing time honored meditations of the Tibetan Lineage of Longchen Rabjam and Jigme Lingpa.

Honoring the request of Adzom Rinpoche, the practices included in the Longchen Nyingthig Ngndro are offered by Meditation Teacher, Jacqueline Mandell.

Practice sessions include Refuge, Bodhicitta, Vajrasattva, Mantra, Guru Yoga and more. Tara practice and Tara tsok are also included at some sessions.

Samden Ling: A Center for Meditative Contemplation was established in 2000.

All are welcome to sign up on


Address: 851 Pine Ave Suite 111   Long Beach CA 90813
Tradition: Non-Sectarian
Affiliation: Taiwan - 大自然和協生命協會
Phone: 562-888-0368
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Main Contact: Todd Cornell  Email  (Phone: 562-888-0368)
Spiritual Director: Venerable Kong Hai  
Notes and Events:

Our teachings are based on the early suttas, the Pali Canon. We follow the same practice as practiced and taught by Gotama Buddha 2500 years ago. We are experiencing great changes in our lives. Come join us for Metta & Meditation!

Meditation Schedule:

Wednesday 7PM - 9PM

Saturday 10AM - 12:30 Meditation & Discussion

Sunday 9AM - 1PM Mandarin Language Meditation and Discussion.

Sammyak Bahuuddeshiya Samajik Vikas Sanstha

Address: Vishwakarmanagar,infront of New Belapur road,Kalwa - Thane - 400605 Infront of New Belapur Road,kalwa west Kalwa, Thane Thane Maharashtra 400605   Kalwa - Thane 400605
Tradition: Theravada, Buddhist organisation
Phone: 91-8952457099
E-mail: /
Find on:
Main Contact: Ayu.Dr.Surendra Rajaram Shinde  Email  (Phone: 8-91-8652457099)
Ayushmanini: Anita Surendra Shinde  Email  (Phone: 91-8652457099)
Ayu.: Ashok Rajaram Gaikwad  Email  
Notes and Events:

our sansthas multipurpose sammyak aims and objects and work for Humanities. sansthas main aims and objects is Education, Health for all, Socially, Agriculture, Cultural,Meditation,Sports and Spirituals,and Various Programmes like as Save Earth,Water and Trees and also implement a Income Generation Activity and Personality Development,Convenience To peoples From Societies Through Pravachan and Write a Article in News Paper In Different Subjects,Arrange Pravachans,etc.
Year of Establishment 2000 but Registered in 2013.

Samten Tse

Address: Slavíčkova 1   Praha Praha (Prague) 160 00
Tradition: Vajrayana
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Spiritual Director: Minling Khandro Rinpoche  
Notes and Events:

Our meditation group is a branch of Mindroling international under the guidance of Jetsun Mindroling Khandro Rinpoche. We are open to everybody who is interested in serious study and practice of Tibetan Buddhism.

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