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D.I. Yogyakarta


Kab. Badung

Kab. Jayapura

Kab. Manokwari

Kab. Semarang-Jawa Tengah

Kab. Teluk Cendrawasih

Kabupaten Ambarawa

Kabupaten Bandung

Kabupaten Banggai

Kabupaten Banjar Negara

Kabupaten Banyumas

Kabupaten Bekasi

Kabupaten Bogor

Kabupaten Boyolali

Kabupaten Brebes

Kabupaten Buleleng

Kabupaten Cianjur

Kabupaten Cilacap

Kabupaten Cirebon

Kabupaten Demak

Kabupaten Dili

Kabupaten Donggala

Kabupaten Garut

Kabupaten Gorontalo

Kabupaten Grobogan

Kabupaten Gunung Kidul

Kabupaten Karang Anyar

Kabupaten Karawang

Kabupaten Kebumen

Kabupaten Kendal

Kabupaten Kendari

Kabupaten Kota Baru

Kabupaten Kotawaringing Timur

Kabupaten Kudus

Kabupaten Lasem

Kabupaten Magelang

Kabupaten Majalengka

Kabupaten Minahasa

Kabupaten Mojokerto

Kabupaten Muna

Kabupaten Pati

Kabupaten Pekalongan

Kabupaten Pemalang

Kabupaten Pontianak

Kabupaten Purwakarta

Kabupaten Purwokerto

Kabupaten Rangkas Bitung

Kabupaten Rembang

Kabupaten Salatiga

Kabupaten Semarang

Kabupaten Sorong.d

Kabupaten Sukabumi

Kabupaten Tabanan

Kabupaten Tanah Laut.

Kabupaten Tangerang

Kabupaten Tasikmalaya

Kabupaten Tegal

Kabupaten Temanggung

Kabupaten Wonogiri

Kabupaten Wonosobo

Kota Administratif Tarakan

Kota Administratip Singkawang

Kotamadya Ambon

Kotamadya Balikpapan

Kotamadya Banjarmasin

Kotamadya Jakarta Barat

Kotamadya Jakarta Pusat

Kotamadya Jakarta Selatan

Kotamadya Jakarta Timur

Kotamadya Jakarta Utara

Kotamadya Manado

Kotamadya Palu

Kotamadya Pontianak

Kotamadya Samarinda

Kotamadya Sambas


Nusa Tenggara Barat



Sulawesi Selatan

Sumatra Barat

Sumatra Selatan

Sumatra Utara


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Poppy seeds Sangha

Address: Fife   Strathmiglo Scotland
Tradition: Mahayana, Vietnamese zen
Affiliation: Community of Interbeing
Phone: 01334 208161
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Spiritual Director: Thich Nhat Hanh  
Notes and Events:

Part of the world-wide Community of Interbeing founded by Vietnamses Zen master Thich Nhat Hanh. Please email or phone Cathy (details above) for information about gatherings. Also, for more information about the wider Sangha in the UK, visit:

Pornima Mahila Mandal

Tradition: Mahayana, Navyana
Phone: 09923424956
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Main Contact: PRAKASH JALHARE  Email  (Phone: +919923424956)
Spiritual Director: BHANTE.KASHYAP  Email  (Phone: +919850670520)
Notes and Events:


Port Fairy Buddhist Community

Address: P.O. Box 61   Port Fairy Vic
Tradition: Non-Sectarian, Triratna
Phone: +613 55682413 Mobile 0412 366 883
Fax: 613 55682013
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Main Contact: Sanghamati  Email  
Notes and Events:

Weekly Meditation and Discussion Evenings

The Port Fairy Sangha meets each Tuesday evening for Meditation and discussion.
If you are interested in attending, please contact Sanghamati: 55682413 or 0412 366883

Portland Insight Meditation Community

Address: 6536 SE Duke Street   Portland OR 97206
Tradition: Theravada, Ruth Dennison
Phone: 5037714123
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Main Contact: kate staples  Email  (Phone: 5037714123)
Spiritual Director: Robert Beatty  Email  (Phone: 5037714123)
Notes and Events:

Portland Insight Meditation Community has a number of regular and occasional events on its schedule. No registration or fee is required for these events. As in ancient Buddhist tradition the classes are offered on a "Suggested Donation" (Dana) basis. In keeping with their financial ability, and their understanding of the importance of generosity, participants contribute to the support of the community, but no one is turned away for lack of funds.  For more information and a complete schedule of activities, please visit our website at

Portland Nichiren Buddhist Temple

Address: 2025 S.E. Yamhill Street   Portland OR 97214
Tradition: Mahayana, Nichiren Shu
Phone: 503 232 8064
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Spiritual Director: Rev. Myosho Obata  
Contact: Rev. Myosho Obata  Email  (Phone: 503 232 8064)
Notes and Events:

We are an historically Japanese Buddhist Temple founded in 1931. All are welcome for services on Sundays at 10 am and meditation most Wednesdays in the evening. We celebrate Buddhism as well as Japanese culture through family, food and friendship. Service always ends with a chance to have tea, a snack and a visit with our small group. You are welcome to come chant, drum and make new friends!

Portland Zen Meditation Center

Address: 150 St. John Street,   Portland ME 04102
Tradition: Mahayana, Zen - An independent, non-heirarchical lay group
Phone: (207) 773-8480
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Contact: Keith Walker  
Notes and Events:

For the study and practice of Zen. Open to all.

Potowa Buddhist Group

Address: 1 Shiralee Place   Wagga NSW
Tradition: Vajrayana, Gelugpa
Affiliation: FPMT and Vajrayana Institute, ( Sydney )
Phone: 04 3182 0663
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Main Contact: Coordinator Peir Woon  
Teacher: Ven. Chokyi ( advisor )  
Spiritual Director: Lama Thubten Zopa Rinpoche  
Notes and Events:

Phone: 04 3182 0663 (if you are calling from within Australia)

Phone: +61 431 820 663 (if you are calling from outside Australia)

Find us on:

Facebook: @potowawagga

Twitter: @potowabuddhist

Instagram: @potowabuddhist

Skype name : potowagroup

Our purpose

We are a non-profit Buddhist group based in Wagga Wagga, NSW, Australia. Guided by Vajrayana Institute in Sydney, we offer programs that promote study and development of the mind in accordance to the wisdom of Tibetan Buddhism. We are committed to provide the opportunity for people to fully realise their natural wisdom and compassion; achieve transformation of their minds and hearts in order to benefit all sentient beings. 

Prague Rinzai Zendo

Address:   Praha 6 Praha (Prague)
Tradition: Mahayana, Rinzai
Phone: 722085893
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Notes and Events:

This group has now evolved into Tumbleweed Zen Prague.

Preah Buddha Rangsey Temple / Khmer Buddhist Humanitarian Association, Inc.

Address: 2400 South 6th Street   Philadelphia PA 19148
Tradition: Theravada
Phone: (215) 336-9547
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Vice_Chairman: Yun Or  Email  (Phone: (267) 591-2946)
Founder/Chairman: Sinn Vatha Sakyamuni  Email  (Phone: (215) 336-9547)
Main Contact: Venerable Muni Ratana  Email  (Phone: (215) 336-9547)
Teacher: Venerable Muni Ratana  
Spiritual Director: The Most Venerable Sinn Vatha Sakyamuni  Email  (Phone: (215) 336-9547)
Notes and Events:

  • Address in New Jersey:

1234 Haddonfield Berlin Road, Voorhees, NJ. 08043

  • Address in Pennsylvania: 

2400 S. 6th Street, Philadelphia, PA. 19148 

Phone: (215) 336-9547

Preston Serene Reflection Meditation Group

Address:   Preston Lancashire
Tradition: Mahayana, Soto Zen
Affiliation: Order of Buddhist Contemplatives
E-mail: serenereflection@googlemail,com
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Contact:: Vanessa  (Phone: 07841 471833)
Main Contact: Harry  (Phone: 07847 164088)
Notes and Events:

The Preston Serene Reflection Meditation Group was formed in 1994. We meet on Tuesdays at 7.00pm in St Peters Room, St.Johns Minster, Church Street, Preston PR1 3BU. The first time you come, one of our group members will talk with you about our practice and show you how we meditate. Our style of meditation is called "serene reflection meditation" - we are part of the Soto Zen tradition of Buddhism.

The group is affiliated to the Order of Buddhist Contemplatives. The Order is dedicated to the practice of the Serene Reflection Meditation tradition, know as Tsao-Tung Chan in China and Soto Zen in Japan. The Order was established by Rev. Master Jiyu-Kennett to serve as the international umbrella organisation for the monasteries, priories (local temples) and meditation groups led by priests of our lineage in Britain, Canada, Germany, the Netherlands, France and the United States. The group has strong connections with Throssel Hole Buddhist Abbey, a Zen Buddhist monastery and retreat centre situated in Northumberland - its Abbot is Rev. Master Daishin Morgan. Senior members of the monastic community there regularly visit the group and also lead short retreats in Preston. They are also available on request to give private spiritual counselling to group members.

Princeton Area Zen Group

Address:   Princeton NJ
Tradition: Mahayana, Japanese Zen, Yasutani-Yamada-Aitken lineage
Phone: (609) 605-3994
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Teacher: Bill Boyle  
Main Contact: Scott Moses  Email  (Phone: (609) 605-3994)
Notes and Events:

We sit every Sunday from 7 to 9 pm. Beginners Night is held on the first Sunday of every month. Instruction is from 6:30 to 7 pm, followed by a regular sitting from 7 to 9 pm.

The Princeton Area Zen Group (PAZG) engages in lay meditation practice in the tradition of Yasutani-Yamada-Aitken. Founded in 1991 by teachers Manfred Steger and Perle Besserman, the Princeton Area Zen Group is a community-based, non-residential unaffiliated Zen center designed to introduce anyone with a sincere desire for self-realization to the formal practice of zazen (sitting meditation).

The group is not a religious organization, but a collection of committed, like-minded individuals responsible for maintaining and supporting a place of Zen practice. It emphasizes traditional elements of Zen practice, such as sitting meditation, Dharma talks, private interviews, and retreats, but within a framework of Western culture with an emphasis on democratically discussed and implemented community policies.

Prospect Park LGBTQ Sangha

Address:   Brooklyn 11215
Tradition: Non-Sectarian
Affiliation: nonsectarian
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Main Contact: Susan Lambert  Email  
Notes and Events:

The group invites LGBTQ and queer-friendly straight people to meditate weekly.  For more information, go to:

Puat Jit Buddhist Temple

Address: 61 Anchorvale Link Singapore 545073  
Tradition: Mahayana
Phone: 65 64817157
Fax: 64890094
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Notes and Events:

回顾般若念佛堂过去五十多年的历史 , 可以追溯到上世纪 50 年代初,当时住在偏僻的罗弄万国的居民及附近的住院病人有心修学佛法,希望在该区能有一间供礼佛、诵经的佛庙,于是自发组织起来,在旧板桥医院近邻搭建一间简陋的锌板屋,设置佛坛,供奉佛像。每逢初一、十五及佛诞佳节,聚众诵经礼佛,从此香火日益旺盛。由于地方简陋狭小,在信众与日俱增的情况下,地方显得越来越不够用.

Puerto Compasivo

Address: Paseo del Marlin #100-G Col. Las Gaviotas   Puerto Vallarta Jalisco 48328
Tradition: Mahayana, Everyday Zen Foundation
Affiliation: Zen Soto
Phone: 322 114 3257
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Spiritual Director: Anka Spencer  Email  (Phone: 322 114 3257)
Notes and Events:

Lunes - Sábado 5:30-7:00 am Meditación con puerta abierta
(practicantes están bienvenidos para llegar y meditar según sus propios horarios.)
Martes 7:30 pm Meditación guiada
(terminamos a las 9:00)
Miércoles 7:30 pm Zazen (Meditación Sentado) 30 min.
Kinhin (Meditación Caminando) 10 min.
Zazen (Meditación Sentado) 30 min.
Servicio   15 min.
Té (terminamos a las 9:30)
Domingo 10:30 am Zazen (Meditación Sentado) 30 min.
Kinhin (Meditación Caminando) 10 min.
Plática o Lectura 40 min.
Servicio  15 min.
Té (terminamos a las 12:30)

Puget Sound Zen Center

Address: PO Box 2644   Vashon WA 98070
Tradition: Mahayana, Rinzai Zen
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Main Contact: President of the Board  Email  
Spiritual Director: Koshin Christopher Cain  Email  
Notes and Events:

The Puget Sound Zen Center is a community dedicated to practicing Zen, to teaching and living Buddhist principles, to supporting a vibrant sangha, and to serving our wider community.  Located on Vashon Island, the center is part of the life of the island while serving the wider Puget Sound area.  Our community is open to all regardless of age, ethnicity, religious affiliation, disability, or sexual orientation.

PuntoZen Yoga

Address: Lope de Vega 47, Logroño.   Logroño La Rioja 26003
Tradition: Tantrayana
Phone: 0034 663915065
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Teacher: Jon gonzalez  
Notes and Events:

Lu Jong. Yoga tibetano de la tradición bön y Tantrayana.

Pura Vida Sangha

Address: Hitching Post Plaza, #5   Brasalito
Tradition: Mahayana, Zen in the Tradition of Thich Nhat Hanh
Phone: 2654-4897; 8829-1196
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Main Contact: Susan R Smith  Email  (Phone: 2654-4897)
Spiritual Director: Thich Nhat Hanh  
Notes and Events:

Meeting for sitting meditation, Dharma talks and discussion on Thursdays at 5:15PM.   To change to Mondays starting September 15, 2013. 

Pure Land Learning College Association,

Address: 57 West Street   Toowoomba, Qld 4350
Tradition: Mahayana, Pureland Chinese
Affiliation: Pureland College Association Inc.
Phone: 7-4637-8765
Fax: 7-4637-8764
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Spiritual Director: Ven. Master Ching Kung  
Notes and Events:

Our goal is twofold:

to provide a good learning environment for students

who aspire to learn and practice Pure Land Buddhism and the teachings of the sages,

and to train and nurture successors to continue the propagation of Buddhism.

To accomplish this, the PLLCA first emphasizes the foundation studies of

Guidelines for Being a Good Person,

Accounts of Request and Response, Changing Destiny,

the Ten Virtuous Karmas Sutra, and Precepts for Novice Monks.

These texts are the foundation in the study of

morality, ethics, causality, wisdom, and science.

Building on this foundation, students will progress to advanced studies

in the five Pure Land sutras and one treatise.

Pureland Learning Center of Victoria

Address: 551 Burwood Hwy   Knoxfield Vic 3180
Tradition: Mahayana, Pure Land Chinese
Affiliation: Pure Land Learning College of Toowoomba, Queensland
Phone: (+61-3) 9887 1557
Fax: (+61-3) 9803 7497
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Teacher: Venerable Master Wu Xing  
Spiritual Director: Venerable Master Chin Kung  
Contact: Ellen Cheng  
Notes and Events:

The Pure Land Learning Center is a non-profit incorporated association and was granted Tax Exempt status by the ATO in 2001. The center devotes its full effort in introducing the concept of Buddhism as an education. It guides us to be filial, respectful to our teachers, cherish our traditional values, and promote multicultural understanding between different religious and ethnic groups as The Buddha explained "WE ARE ALL ONE ENTITY".

We conduct weekly meditation, Dharma lectures, and supply free Dharma materials. All services are free of charge and everyone is welcome to join us. We follow the instruction of the Buddha to deliver his teaching to anyone who has needs or is interested in Buddhism, without discrimination and conditions.  We hope everyone who practices according to the teachings will benefit spiritually and physically, and will prosper in whatever they are doing. Only then can there be harmony among people, and world peace.

Our center is affiliated with the Pure Land Learning College of Toowoomba, Queensland. We operate independently from the college in the financial and management aspects, however, we share the same mission and objectives and receive guidance from the same master, Venerable Chin Kung.

Purnachar International Buddhist Temple

Address: 96/A, devpahar,college road,chawk baraz, kotawaly ,Chittagong,Bangladesh.   Chittagong
Tradition: Theravada
Affiliation: Buddhist Temple
Phone: (+88) 0312861500
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Spiritual Director: Ven.Sattaya Priya Mahathero  (Phone: (+88) 0312861500)
Main Contact: Ven.Sattaya Priya Mahathero  (Phone: (+88) 0312861500)

Quang Duc Buddhist Temple

Address: 85-105 Lynch Road, Fawkner Vic 3060   Vic
Tradition: Mahayana, (Vietnamese)
Affiliation: The United Vietnamese Buddhist Congregation in Australia-New Zealand Head Monastery
Phone: (03) 9357 3544 Mobile 0450.378867
Fax: 9357 3600
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Main Contact: Ven. Thich Nguyen Tang  Email  
Teacher: Abbot: Ven. Thich Tam Phuong  
Notes and Events:

Regular program:

• Monday and Saturday, 6 pm - 8 pm: Recitation of sutras and sitting meditation. This includes training in meditation, from beginners to advanced level.

• Sunday: 9 am - 4 pm: Many activities, including sitting meditation, sutra recitation, Vietnamese Buddhist youth activities, Vietnamese language course for children, Buddhist doctrines, teachings and discussion.

Quang Minh Temple

Address: 18 Burke Steet   Braybrook Vic 3019
Tradition: Mahayana, Thien Thai (Vietnamese)
Affiliation: The United Vietnamese Buddhist Congregation Of Australia - New Zealand
Phone: (03) 9312 5729
Find on:
Main Contact: Tony Le-Nguyen  Email  
Spiritual Director: Ven. Thich Phuoc Tan  Email  
Teacher: Ven. Thich Phuoc Thai  
Notes and Events:

Quang Minh Temple is a centre for the Vietnamese Buddhist community in Victoria, as well as the office of the United Vietnamese Buddhist Congregation of Victoria. The Temple is situated about twelve kilometres west of Melbourne’s CBD, overlooking the gentle Maribyrnong River.

Quantum Buddhism Association

Address: 610 Des Melezes (not open for public)  St-Raymond Quebec G3L 2E9
Tradition: Mahayana, Created by Hongaku Jodo Priests
Affiliation: Quantum Buddhism Association
Phone: 418-340-1688
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Spiritual Director: Francois Lepine  Email  (Phone: 418-340-1688)
Notes and Events:

The new discoveries of science regarding the Unified Quantum Field, beyond particle measurement, is what was described with other words, as the Pure Land of Amitabha Buddha. Our goal is to promote Pure Land Buddhism using a scientific dialect, as well as the traditional approach.

Quebec Zen Center

Address: 515 rue de l éperon   Québec Quebec g1K6S7
Tradition: Mahayana, Soto Zen, lineage - Kodo Sawaki,Taisen Deshimaru, Kosen
Affiliation: ABZD kosen Sangha
Phone: (418) 692-1555
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Contact: Jean Belanger  
Spiritual Director: Unzô Bélanger sensei  
Notes and Events:

Zazen: Tuesday to Friday 7 am, Sunday 9am.

Queensland Zen Centre (Dae Kwang Sa)

Address: 31 Lingle Street Robertson Qld 4109 Qld   Qld
Tradition: Mahayana, Zen, Korean
Affiliation: Independent
Phone: (07) 3219 4110
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Main Contact: Shim Kwang  
Teacher: Zen Master Sen Shin ,resident teacher.  
Notes and Events:

Notes and Events:

Founded in 1989 by the late teacher Zen Master Seung Sahn, internationally renowned Grand Master of the Kwan Um School of Zen, the Queensland Zen Centre – Dae Kwang Sa or “Great Light Temple” is a residential training temple for students of Zen Buddhism. 

The temple offers a training program consisting of daily meditation practice, monthly retreats, and introductory courses for persons interested in discovering their life direction.  In awakening the Bodhisattva ideal, one’s essence is realized and spontaneously functions for the benefit of all beings.

The formal aspects of Zen training consist of sitting and bowing meditation, chanting of sutras, and kong-an practice, a process of direct inquiry into one’s true nature as it appears in each moment.  The temple’s resident teacher oversees all aspects of Zen training including giving Dharma talks and kong-an interviews.

The temple’s resident teacher is Zen Master Sen Shin.  An ordained nun since 1990, Zen Master Sen Shin received transmission in Zen Master Seung Sahn’s lineage from Zen Master Dae Gak in 2006.

Zen Master Sen Shin also oversees the teaching at the Queensland Zen Centre’s practice groups at Nundah (Nundah Zen Group) in Brisbane and at Runaway Bay (Gold Coast Zen Group) at the Gold Coast.

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