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Drong Ngur Jangchubling
Address: 30520 Lynne Drive
Wesley Chapel, Florida 33543
Tampa FL 33543
Tradition: Vajrayana, Drikung Kagyu
Affiliation: Tibetan Buddhism- Drikung Kagyu
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Teacher: Drupon Thinley Ningpo Rinpoche
Spiritual Director: Drupon Thinley Ningpo Rinpoche Email
Notes and Events:
Our center is part of the Drikung Kagyu lineage of Tibetan Buddhism and was founded by Drupon Thinley Nyingpo Rinpoche who is our resident Lama. As a center for Buddhist studies, Drong Ngur Jangchubling holds retreats, hosts visiting teachers, and offers in-depth study of the Buddhadharma. We have regular meditation practice on Tuesday evenings and Sunday mornings. For the most updated practice and teachings dates, please see our events page. We welcome your email inquiry.
Drong Ngur Jangchubling Buddhist Center
Address: Deliver during business hours 9 am to 5 pm please Wesley Chapel 33543
Tradition: Vajrayana, Drikung Kagyu
Phone: 727-452-7714
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Spiritual Director: Drupon Thinley Ningpo Rinpoche
Main Contact: Lincoln Crone Email (Phone: 727-452-7714)
Notes and Events:
Our center is part of the Drikung Kagyu lineage of Tibetan Buddhism. Its creation is the vision of our teacher and founder, Drupon Thinley Ningpo Rinpoche, whose wish is to serve the local and national Buddhist community by offering the timeless teachings of the Buddha. As a center for Buddhist studies, Drong Ngur Jangchubling holds retreats, hosts visiting teachers, and offers in-depth study of the Buddhadharma. We welcome anyone who is interested in learning about these traditions to visit and practice with us.
Drukpa Australia Incorporated
Address: 5 Mangano Place Wanneroo WA 6065
Tradition: Vajrayana, Drukpa Tibetan
Phone: 0424 561 233
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Spiritual Director: His Eminence Gyalwa Dokhampa Jigme Pema Nyinjadh
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Drukpa Australia Incorporated (“Drukpa Australia”) is a Himalayan Buddhist organisation and Charity established in August 2016 in Perth, WA. Under the guidance of His Eminence Gyalwa Dokhampa Jigme Pema Nyinjadh, Drukpa Australia works to promote the understanding and practice of Himalayan Buddhism, the beautiful tradition of Drukpa Lineage, and create social bonding among devotees from different cultural backgrounds to strengthen the peace, happiness, and well-being of all in Perth and Australia.
Drukpa Maha Yoga Ling Buddhist Center
Address: 196, Jalan Midah Besar, Taman Midah, 56000 Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia. Kuala Lumpur
Tradition: Vajrayana, Drukpa Kargyud
Phone: Tel: (603) 931 6333, Fax: (603) 985 4213
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The Drukpa Kargyud lineage originated in the 11th century A.D. as a subdivision of the Kagyud tradition. The unique teachings transmitted through the Kagyud realization lineage are distinguished as the "Six Yogas of Naropa" and the oral pith-instructions of Mahamudra. Supplementing these teachings, the Drukpa Kargyud school also offers special meditative instructions known as "The Six Equal Tastes" and "The Seven Auspicious Teachings". The lineage descends directly through the enlightened masters -- Tilopa, Naropa, Marpa, Milarepa, Gampopa, Phagmo Drupa and Lingchen Repa. Lingchen Repa Pema Dorje, famed as the Saraha (a revered tantric sage) of Tibet popular for his psychic power, was the spiritual teacher and guide of the 1st Gyalwang Drukpa, Tsangpa Gyare Yeshe Dorje. The Gyalwang Drukpas are revered primarily as incarnate embodiments of Arya Avalokiteshvara (i.e. Chenrezig in Tibetan or Kuan Yin in Chinese) and Mahasiddha Naropa. The present Gyalwang Drukpa, Jigme Pema Wangchen, is the recognized 12th incarnation.
Drukpa Mila Center
Address: Longmont CO 80503
Tradition: Vajrayana, Drukpa Kagyu from Bhutan
Affiliation: Drukpa Kagyu
Phone: 303 449 3332 (General Inquiry)
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Spiritual Director: Ven. Karma Namgyel Rinpoche
Notes and Events:
The Drukpa Mila Center's mission is to spread authentic teachings from the Drukpa Kagyu lineage of Tibetan Buddhism in America, to benefit sentient beings everywhere. Drukpa Kagyu branches from the Kagyu tradition, one of four main schools in Tibetan Buddhism. It was founded in Bhutan by Shabdrung in the 17th century. The Drukpa Mila Center's founder and resident teacher, Venerable Karma Namgyel Rinpoche, also hails from Bhutan. Centers in the United States include Colorado and Oregon. International branches include Bhutan, Canada, and Taiwan.
Dublin Buddhist Centre
Address: Liberty Corner
5 James Joyce Street
Dublin Dublin 1
Tradition: Non-Sectarian
Affiliation: Triratna
Phone: +35318178933
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Spiritual Director: Sangharakshita
Notes and Events:
The Dublin Buddhist Centre is part of a world-wide movement of Buddhist centres called the Triratna Buddhist Centre (formerly the Friends of the Western Buddhist Order, FWBO).
We are a not-for-profit religious charity, and have been teaching Buddhism, meditation and yoga in Dublin since 1990. Our goal is to provide a space for people to learn about and deepen their connection with the Three Jewels - The Buddha, Dharma and Sangha.
Dublin Dharmamind Buddhist Group
Address: Oscailt Integrative Health Centre, 8 Pembroke Road, Dublin 4 Dublin
Tradition: Mahayana, Practice is very similar in spirit to Zen and Dzogchen
Affiliation: DharmaMind Buddhist Group
Phone: 085 1423972
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Main Contact: Jonathan ODonovan Email (Phone: 085 1423972)
Spiritual Director: David Smith Email
Notes and Events:
The Dublin DharmaMind Buddhist Group is a regional branch of the DharmaMind Buddhist Group whose teacher is David Smith.
You can check out details of the group and the nature of our practice, here:
We meet in the Conservatory of Oscailt every Monday evening from 7.30 to 9.30 pm for meditation and Dharma discussion. Newcomers welcome. Suggested donation €7.
For further details, please contact Jonathan on 085 1423972 or Karl on 086 1029685 e-mail at:
Dzogchen Buddha Institute
Address: 160-C Donahue Street Sausalito CA 94965-1250
Tradition: Vajrayana, Dzogchen Tibetan
Affiliation: Vajrayana-Dzogchen
Phone: (415) 887-2800
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Main Contact: Hazlitt Krog Email (Phone: 4I5-846-36I8)
Spiritual Director: Dzogchen Khenpo Choga Email (Phone: 702-526-0108)
Notes and Events:
Dzogchen Buddha Institute is the Bay Area organization established in 2002 by Dzogchen Khenpo Choga Rinpoche to provide support and educational programs for the study and practice of Buddhism in the Vajrayana tradition of the Dzogchen Lineage. The Institute hosts Khenpo Chogas Bay Area teaching events, live Webcasts, meditation retreats, as well as weekly Buddha Path meditation practice.
Dzogchen Community UK
Address: Flat 5 Bernard Hegarty Lodge
81 Lansdowne Drive
London E8 3EP
Tradition: Non-Sectarian
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Spiritual Director: Chogyal Namkhai Norbu
Notes and Events:
Dzogchen is an ancient spiritual teaching developed in Tibet within the Tibetan Buddhist tradition. It does not belong to a school or religious system. Rather, it is the knowledge that Tibetan masters have transmitted without being limited by sectarianism. The word Dzogchen, meaning total perfection, actually refers to the true inherent nature of all beings, their primordial state, which is free from all limitations and conditioning. The masters transmission of this state of knowledge lies at the very heart of the Dzogchen teachings.
The Dzogchen tradition has been passed from master to student in an unbroken lineage over the centuries, right up to the present day. Due to its direct and unelaborate approach, it transcends cultural boundaries making it accessible to all nationalities alike regardless of their spiritual background.
The Dzogchen teachings are divided in three series: Semde, Longde and Mennagde. The three series are three ways of presenting the teaching, each with its corresponding methods of practice; the aim of all three, however, is to lead the practitioner to final realization.
In Semde, the mind series, the practitioner is introduced to the nature of mind in order to have a actual experience of it.
Longde means the space series: in this instance space refers to the primordial dimension of emptiness which serves as a base for manifesting the clarity of the practitioner, and for developing their understanding.
Mennagde, the essential series of secret instructions or Upadesha, comprises special teachings and methods based on the experiences of masters, with the aim of helping the practitioner progress up to complete realization.
Dzogchen Community West Coast
Address: 2748 Adeline Street, Suite D Berkeley CA 94103
Tradition: Dzogchen
Affiliation: International Dzogchen Community
Phone: 510-644-2260
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Spiritual Director: Choegyal Namkhai Norbu Rinpoche
Notes and Events:
The Dzogchen Community West Coast was developed in California following many visits by Chögyal Namkhai Norbu, beginning in 1979. It is a 501 (c) (3) non-profit organization established to help preserve his teachings and transmission for the future, and to strengthen practice by working together. The Northern California Community organizes group practices on an ongoing basis. These ongoing practices enable participants to develop and integrate the teaching into daily life and to support each other in practice. Anyone who has received or intends to receive transmission from Chögyal Namkhai Norbu Rinpoche is welcome to participate and learn.
The West Coast Community is linked to the Dzogchen Community of America, Tsegyalgar East, The original seat of the Dzogchen Community in North America, located in Conway Massachusetts, Tsegyalgar West, in Baja Sur, Mexico, and also the International Dzogchen Community, based in Tenerife, in the Canary Islands.
Dzogchen Community West Coast
Address: 2748 Adeline, Suite D Berkeley CA 94703
Tradition: Non-Sectarian, Chogyal Namkhai Norbu
Phone: (510) 644-2260
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Spiritual Director: Chogyal Namkhai Norbu
Notes and Events:
The Dzogchen Community West Coast developed in California following many visits by Chögyal Namkhai Norbu, beginning in 1979. It is a non-profit organization that was established to help preserve the teachings of Chögyal Namkhai Norbu for the future, and to strengthen practice by working together. The West Coast Community is linked to the Dzogchen Community of America, Tsegyalgar, the original seat of the Dzogchen Community in North America, located in Conway Massachusetts; and Tsegyalgar West, in Baja Sur, Mexico.
There are also groups of committed practitioners in Washington, Oregon, New Mexico and southern California. To contact these communities, visit our links page.
The Northern California Community organizes weekly group practices at the Dondrub Ling Center in Berkeley. Special events, practice explanations,Santi Maha Sangha Study Groups, Vajra Dance, Yantra Yoga, and weekend workshops are held as well. These ongoing practices enable participants to develop and integrate the teaching into daily life and to support each other in practice. Anyone who has received or intends to receive transmission from Chögyal Namkhai Norbu Rinpoche is welcome to participate and learn.
Dzogchen Community West Coast
Address: 2748 Adeline Street Suite D Berkeley CA 94703
Tradition: Vajrayana
Affiliation: International Dzogchen Community
Phone: 510-644-2260
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Main Contact: Gakyil Email (Phone: 510-644-2260)
Teacher: Choegyal Namkhai Norbu Rinpoche
Spiritual Director: Choegyal Namkhai Norbu Rinpoche
Notes and Events:
The Dzogchen Community West Coast counts among its members all those who are interested in the practice of Dzogchen as passed on to us by Chögyal Namkhai Norbu. The Community is thus seen as a place for sharing and exchange for people who share the same path towards knowledge. The various community centers are considered places for the practice of awareness where it is possible to collaborate with others in the perspective of a common spiritual enrichment.
It was developed in California following many visits by Chögyal Namkhai Norbu, beginning in 1979. It is a 501 (c) (3) non-profit organization established to help preserve his teachings and transmission for the future, and to strengthen practice by working together. The Northern California Community organizes group practices on an ongoing basis. These ongoing practices enable participants to develop and integrate the teaching into daily life and to support each other in practice. Anyone who has received or intends to receive transmission from Chögyal Namkhai Norbu Rinpoche is welcome to participate and learn.
The West Coast Community is linked to the Dzogchen Community of America, Tsegyalgar, The original seat of the Dzogchen Community in North America, located in Conway Massachusetts; and Tsegyalgar West, in Baja Sur, Mexico, and the International Dzogchen Community.
It has a non-bureaucratic organization, with systems of communication and collaboration which respect the various autonomous local conditions.
Dzogchen Gelek Palbar Ling Brussels
Address: 39 rue Saint-Norbert Belgique 1090
Tradition: Vajrayana, Tibetan, Nyingma, Longchen Nyinthik
Affiliation: Patrul Rinpcohe, Dzogchen Monastery
Phone: +32-494-79.47.87
Fax: +32.2.791.53.72
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Main Contact: Mathieu Samyn
Teacher: Patrul Rinpoche
Spiritual Director: Patrul Rinpoche
Notes and Events:
The centre was founded in 1998 by Patrul Rinpoche.
Conferences, text study, courses, and regular meditation practices are organised.
You can check the schedule on the website.
Address: 3436 Divisadero Street
San Francisco CA 94123
Tradition: Vajrayana, Jonang
Phone: 415-810-6168
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Main Contact: Chloe Bregman Email
Spiritual Director: Khentrul Jamphel Lodro Rinpoche Email
Notes and Events:
Dzokden (USA) is a community under the guidance of Shar Khentrul Rinpoche. Our Kalachakra practice groups are devoted to spreading and realizing the teachings of Kalachakra in order to create the golden age of Shambhala in our world. Shambhala is the perfection of peace and harmony, so in realizing Kalachakra and strengthening our connection with Shambhala we align our world to peace. We practice in the Jonang-Shambhala Kalachakra tradition the only Tibetan buddhist lineage to currently hold the completion stage yogas of Kalachakra.
We offer assistance to those preparing to take or who have taken the Kalachakra initiation by hosting empowerments, retreats and the ngondro teachings as well as facilitate a practice groups online for those who would like to actualize the complete Kalachakra path.
Dzokden International Practice Group
Address: 3436 Divisadero Street
San Francisco 94123
Tradition: Vajrayana
Affiliation: Khentrul Rinpoche
Phone: 4158106168
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Khentrul Jamphel Lodrö Rinpoche's International Communities of Kalachakra Practitioners. We have groups practicing in locations around the world.
E-Vam Buddhist Institute
Address: 673 Lygon Street Carlton North Vic 3051
Tradition: Vajrayana, Tibetan, Karma Kagyu
Phone: 9387 0422
Fax: 9380 8296
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Main Contact: KEBI Office (Phone: 9387-0422)
Spiritual Director: Traleg Kyabgon Rinpoche
Notes and Events:
"The Kagyu E-Vam Buddhist Institute in Melbourne is indeed now one of the most progressive centers in Australia. Offering seminars on East-West psychology and wider social and ecological issues..... Despite its contemporary orientation, the Institute has not lost touch with its tradition." Excerpt from History of Buddhism in Australia, Paul Croucher, News South Wales University Press, 1989, p114.
E-Vam Institute is a dynamic and vibrant Buddhist centre that has been established in Melbourne for more than 20 years. We offer meditation instruction, courses, retreats and conferences on various aspects of the Buddhist tradition from the perspectives of the main denominations available in the world today. We invite you to participate in this rich program.
Earth Sanctuary
Address: 6144 Wahl Road
Freeland WA 98249
Tradition: Vajrayana, Sakya
Phone: (360) 321-5465
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Main Contact: Founder: Chuck Pettis
Spiritual Director: H. H. Jigdal Dagchen Sakya
Notes and Events:
Earth Sanctuary combines exemplary ecology with art and spirit to create a sanctuary for birds and wildlife and a peaceful place for personal renewal and spiritual connection
East Bay Meditation Center
Address: 2147 Broadway Oakland CA 94612
Tradition: Theravada, open to all
Phone: 510-268-0696
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Founded in a celebration of diversity, the East Bay Meditation Center welcomes everyone seeking to end suffering and cultivate happiness. Our mission is to foster liberation, personal and interpersonal healing, social action, and inclusive community building. We offer mindfulness practices and teachings on wisdom and compassion from Buddhist and other spiritual traditions. Rooted in our commitment to diversity, we operate with transparent democratic governance, generosity-based economics, and environmental sustainability.
East Coast/Atlanta Jodo Shu Buddhist Group
Address: 30317 Atlanta 30317
Tradition: Mahayana, Jodo Shu / Japanese Pure Land Buddhism
Affiliation: Jodo Shu
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Main Contact: Chris Miller Email (Phone: 803-454-4830)
Teacher: Rev. T. Kasahara
Notes and Events:
As a new and dynamic group, our purpose is to connect like-minded individuals who share an interest in Jōdo-Shū Buddhism, within the United States, Atlanta, Georgia, and beyond. We aim to foster a sense of community by providing resources, information, and a platform for discussion. Our activities include both in-person and virtual gatherings, offering opportunities for shared exploration and deepening our understanding of Honen Shonin and Jōdo-Shū Buddhism.
East Coast/Atlanta Jodo Shu Community
Address: Atlanta 30317
Tradition: Mahayana, Jodo Shu / Pure Land Buddhism
Affiliation: Jodo Shu
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East Dorset Buddhist Group
Address: c/o St. Michael's Church Centre Colehill, Wimborne Dorset BH21 7AB
Tradition: Non-Sectarian
Phone: 01202 304207
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Contact: Steve Wilkens (Phone: 07910417617)
Notes and Events:
Group meets for meditation and discussion at St. Michael's Church Centre on the second and fourth Thursdays of each month between 10.30am and 12.30pm. The group supercedes the Bournemouth area Buddhist Group which no longer meets. No experience is necessary and all are welcome.
East End Dharma Group
Address: 30 West End Ave. East Quogue, NY 11942
Tradition: Vajrayana, Shangpa Kagyu/ Karma Kagyu Tibetan
Affiliation: Kagyu Thubten Choling Monastery - H.E. Kalu Rinpoche - Ven. Lama Norlha Rinpoche
Phone: 631-561-7621
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Teacher: Ven. Lama Norlha Rinpoche
Spiritual Director: Ven.Ven. Lama Norlha Rinpoche Email (Phone: 845-297-4840)
Main Contact: Lutha Leahy-Miller Email (Phone: 631-561-7621)
Notes and Events:
East End Dharma Group is a Satellite Group of Kagyu Thubten Choling Monastery in Wappingers Falls, N.Y.
East End Dharma is under the direction and guidance of Ven. Lama Norlha Rinpoche. Members of EEDG meet weekly in Sagaponack, NY for the recitation of the Chenrezi Sadhana and/ or Shinay meditation as presented and taught by H.E. Kalu Rinpoche and Ven. Lama Norlha Rinpoche of KTC Monastery.
For more info see our URL\'s below:
Tibetan Buddhist Meditation - Friday Evenings: 5:30PM - 6:30PM
At The Ocean Zendo In Sagaponack, N.Y.
Hosted by East End Dharma Group
For more info go to or call: (631) 561-7621
East Kent Soto Zen
Address: Nonington, Dover Kent CT15 4HH
Tradition: Mahayana, Japanese Soto Zen: Gudo Nishijima, Kodo Sawaki
Affiliation: Treeleaf Zendo (
Phone: 01304 842673
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Main Contact: Andy
Notes and Events:
Just sitting (Shikantaza) meditation in the tradition of Soto Zen.
East Valley Sangha
Address: 229 E. Palo Verde Street Gilbert AZ 85296
Tradition: Mahayana, Non-Sectarian
Affiliation: Non-affiliated
Phone: (480) 545-7684
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Spiritual Director: Rev. Terrence Daigyo Lewis Email
Notes and Events:
We meet once a month on a Sunday at 9 a.m. Please call for the next meeting.
We perform a Pure Land/Zen service followed by a discussion.
Eastern Sun Sangha
Address: 1173 West Boylston Street Worcester MA 01606
Tradition: Mahayana
Affiliation: Bright Dawn Institute
Phone: 1-508-335-1407
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Spiritual Director: Toyo Katamori Email (Phone: 1-508-335-1407)
Notes and Events:
Eastern Sun Sangha is a non-profit educational refuge dedicated to exploring Operative Buddhism. The Sangha provides a spring into the study and practice, between secular and non-secular practice. Focusing on the Three Treasures, The Buddha, The Law, and The Order. The Four Noble Truths, The Eight Fold Path and the Precepts. ESS follows along the Mahayana Vehicle with a touch of Jodu-Shinsu and its own secular practices.
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