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Gay Mens Buddhist Sangha
Address: 57 Hartford Street San Francisco CA 94114
Tradition: Non-Sectarian
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Contact: Albert Kaba
Notes and Events:
Meets every Sunday from 3 to 5 pm in the zendo of the Hartford Street Zen Center
2215-R Market St. #162 San Francisco CA 94114
Gayanalok Religious Education Council
Address: Ka-76/8, Kalachadpur, Gulshan Dhaka 1212
Tradition: Theravada
Phone: +8801818469646
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Vice-President : Juwel Barua Email (Phone: +8801818469646)
Main Contact: Juwel Barua Email (Phone: +8801818469646)
Notes and Events:
Gayanalok Religious Education Council (An Independent Buddhist religious educational & cultural organization). Established in 2008.
Organization Activities:
■ To appreciate the Buddhist children in religious study.
■ To teach the Buddhist children with religious study.
■ To arrange a lesson on every Friday afternoon for this reason.
■ To arrange Quiz competition on Buddha Dharma.
■ To distribute religious books among the winners of Quiz competition.
■ To arrange competition on Prayer & recitation of Sutta for the children.
■ To distribute religious books among the winners as prize.
■ To arrange prayer by group with the members at every Evening.
Contact Address:
Gayanalok Religious Education Council
Ka-76/8, Kalachadpur, Gulshan,Dhaka-1212.
Cell: +88-01818469646, +8801721257462
Geelong Zen Group
Address: Belmont Vic 3216 Vic
Tradition: Mahayana, Diamond Sangha Western
Phone: 0352480990
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Main Contact: Colin (Phone: 0352480990)
Notes and Events:
Notes and Events: Our small group meets Friday evenings from 7:30pm to 9:30pm for sitting meditation, chanting and walking meditation. Through the Melbourne Zen Group we have the opportunity to participate in retreats (Sesshin) and weekend workshops where we meet the teachers Subhana Barzaghi Roshi and Susan Murphy Roshi.
Everyone interested in meditation is welcome. Please feel free to contact us for an introduction.
Generasi Muda Buddhis Indonesia
Address: Jalan P. Tubagus Angke Raya (Ruko Angke Megah) No. 20 Blok A & B 12 A, Jakarta Barat 11460 Jakarta 11130
Tradition: Non-Sectarian
Phone: +62 21 33370647 – 5648059
Fax: +62 21 5646012 – 6624620
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Notes and Events:
Telp. +62 21 33370647 – 5648059 Fax. +62 21 5646012 – 6624620
Georgia Meditation Circle
Address: 4522 Tilly Mill Road
Atlanta GA 30060
Tradition: Theravada, Dhammakaya Foundation
Affiliation: Atlanta Meditation Center
Phone: 678-887-3828
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Meditation Coach: Nat Intakanok Email (Phone: 404-259-5739)
Teacher: Venerable Bendit
Main Contact: Bee Intakanok Email (Phone: 678-887-3828)
Meditation Assistant: Daniel Prete Email (Phone: 770-864-0868)
Spiritual Director: Venerable Nah Email (Phone: 770-452-1111)
Notes and Events:
The Georgia Meditation Circle an affiliate of the Atlanta Meditation Center Dhammakaya foundation promotes meditation and spiritual awareness. It is said that all happiness, ordinary and sublime, is achieved by understanding and transforming our own mind. The mind is not a physical thing that has thoughts and feelings; it is the totality of our conscious and unconscious experiences.
The mind can be compared to an ocean, and momentary mental events such as happiness, irritation, fantasies, and boredom to the waves that rise and fall on its surface. Just as the waves can subside to reveal the stillness of the oceans depths, so too is it possible to calm the turbulence of our mind to reveal its natural clarity. The ability to do this lies within the mind itself and the key to the mind is meditation.
"Unlocking the door of ancient wisdom for modern times".
Our meditation sessions are conducted by Buddhist monks who have ordained for 10 or more years.
They are eager to teach western people their technique and wisdom on meditation methods, benefits and knowledge gained from meditation, and our true purpose.
Every session will be inspiring and will help encourage one to meditate.
Though many of us are aware that meditation can help with stress, there is still so much more to learn from benefits of meditating.
We constantly need to be reminded and encouraged to meditate otherwise it is very easy to forget and realize how meditating can be beneficial to our overall well being.
Every Wednesday Evening:
7:00-7:10pm Stretching
7:10-7:20pm Orientation Intro
7:20-8:00pm Guided Meditation
8:00-8:10pm Q&A
8:10-8:30pm Buddhist Philosophy Discussion
4522 Tilly Mill
Atlanta, Ga 30360
German Buddhist Union
Address: Amalienstr. 71 Munich Bayern 80799
Tradition: Non-Sectarian, Umbrella-Organisation
Affiliation: EBU, WFB
Phone: +49 89 45206930
Fax: +49 89 452069329
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Notes and Events:
The German Buddhist Union (Deutsche Buddhistische Union e.V., short DBU) is a umbrella organisation for about 60 buddhist groups of different buddhist traditions in Germany.
In addition, the DBU is also open to individual members, who want to support its work for the Buddhism in Germany. The DBU ist member in the European Buddhist Union. The DBU is a charity organisation with a honorary board.
The DBU manages on its website a database of about 500 Buddhist groups all over Germany, which can help interested people to find a group in their region.
The DBU publishes the quarterly “Buddhismus aktuell” wich offers a wide range of articles on all Buddhist traditions. It also includes Buddhist news, book reviews and a list of events. It is available on
German Palyul Centre
Address: Am Muehlenberg 1 Zuesch Rheinland-Pfalz 54422
Tradition: Vajrayana, Palyul / Nyingma
Phone: 0049 6503 981968
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Main Contact: Manuela Martin - Dragiev Email (Phone: 0049 151 57719832)
Teacher: Khenpo Pema Choepel Rinpoche
Spiritual Director: Penor Rinpoche
Notes and Events:
We are the German Centre of H.H. Pema Norbu Rinpoche, which is under the leadership of Khenpo Pema Choepel Rinpoche who comes regulary to give teachings. Other teachers are also conducting meditation retreats.
Our teachers organize Palyul Namcho Dzogchen Retreat every year in the summer.
More informations are available at the website.
Glasgow Theravada Buddhist Group
Address: 165 Hill Street, Glasgow, G3 6UQ Harnham Buddhist Monastery Scotland
Tradition: Theravada
Affiliation: Aruna Ratanagiri,
Phone: 0141 564 5994
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Contact: Paul Hansen
Notes and Events:
Meetings take place usually on the first Friday of every month except during winter retreat.
Glass City Dharma
Address: La Galeria
1224 - 1226 Broadway Toledo OH OH
Tradition: Theravada
Phone: (408) 717-3350
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Teacher: Stephanie Tate
Notes and Events:
Glass City Dharma is a weekly Vipassana Meditation Group based in Toledo, OH. Weekly meditation and Dharma discussion is every Thursday evening from 7 - 8:30 p.m. EST.
Additional day longs and retreats are scheduled periodically.
Glen Ard Abbey
Address: 888 Saxtons River Road
Saxtons River VT 05154
Tradition: Mahayana, Celtic Buddhism
Affiliation: Celtic Buddhist Lineage
Phone: 802-8694496
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Main Contact: Sr Griffin Email
Dana offerring: A teacher or Senior monk will answer questions on practice Email
Teacher: Ven Seonaidh Perks
Notes and Events:
MAil to PO Box 622 Saxtons River VT 05154
AnaDaire Celtic Buddhist Center and Glen Ard Abbey offer daily morning and evening mediation Monday-Saturday. On Sundays, meditation, liturgy and a dharma talk are given at AnaDaire. Beginning instruction in meditation is always offered.
Glen Ard Abbey offers full time residential Celtic Buddhist training for monastics as well as residential training for lay people interested in coming in for a period of time to explore and strengthen their practice. We also have a cybermonk page for people to ask questions pertaining to their practice.
AnaDaire Celtic Buddhist Center offers various retreats on the Celtic Buddhist Arts, environmental living, family wilderness retreats, and more. AnaDaire also offers various training practices for mendicants, home dwellers, and anyone interested in exploring this world within the context of the Dharma.
AnaDaire and The Celtic Buddhist Lineage also has affiliates in Ireland.
For more information on Celtic Buddhism or on any of our programs, please contact us or at
Global Buddhist Foundation
Address: Ashoka Buddha Vihara, Old Power House Road, Rajghat, New Delhi- 110002, India New Delhi Arunachal Pradesh 110002
Tradition: Theravada
Phone: +91 8586038772
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Main Contact: Ven. Nanda Priya Bhante Email (Phone: +91 8260694584)
Spiritual Director: Ven. Dhitta Dhamma Thera Email (Phone: +91 8586038772)
Notes and Events:
Global Buddhist Foundation is a Buddhist religious organization (Govt. registered) established in 2015, with the main motto of developing peace and unity in every part of the globe. Our goal is to revive the moral values and peace of mind for the welfare and happiness of the many with the help of meditation and right approach. A healthy mind could lead the society into a good direction which will enable the common people to feel the real calmness and inner happiness within themselves in this very life. Therefore, GBF is dedicated full effort in order to achieve each and every dream with selfless feeling, friendly and fraternity approach. It would be happy to work and complete its tasks in national and international level with open hands.
Global Buddhist Foundation
Address: Ashoka Buddha Vihara, Old Power House Road
RAJGHAT New Delhi NDelhi 110002
Tradition: Theravada
Affiliation: World Chakma Buddhist Organisation
Phone: +91- 8586 038 772
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Teacher: Ven. Dhamma Ditthi Thera
Main Contact: Bhikkhu Saddharakkhita Email (Phone: +91 - 9971 365 194)
Notes and Events:
We are committed Buddhist organisation,working for the Chakma Buddhists of India,to preserve,promote and to propagate,the teachings of the Buddha,to bring peace, happiness,and harmony in the society. And to train the young generation to follows the Panchsheela to make their life meaningful,happy and worthy.
Gloucester Buddhist Centre
Address: 29 Southgate Street Gloucester Gloucester GL1 1TP
Tradition: Mahayana, Shingon
Phone: 01452-527566
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Notes and Events:
We want to spread the non-religious life-changing tools of Buddhism.
We aim to provide education about Buddhism.
To be a focal-point for like-minded people
To encourage multi-cultural awareness.
Run courses, treatments and workshops to improve your life.
To support the local community.
Gold Coast Buddhist Centre
Address: 84 Advancetown Road Advancetown Qld 4211
Tradition: Theravada, Sri Lankan-all are welcome !
Phone: 07 3808 5083
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Notes and Events:
The Gold Coast Buddhist Centre was established in 2019 with the help of the Australia - Sri Lankan community in the Gold Coast area. Ven K. Prannasiri Thero, the Viharadhipathi of the GCBC is conducting the services of the Centre from its beginning. Since the beginning of the GCBC, the temple has been giving its services to not only the Sri Lankan community, but also to all other companions who need our services. Saturday of every poya day.
Gold Coast Dharma Realm Shurangama Monastery
Address: 106 Bonogin Road
Mudgeeraba QLD 4213 Qld
Tradition: Mahayana, Wei Yang Sect Chinese
Affiliation: City of Ten Thousand Buddhas ( California,Dharma Realm Buddhist Association USA)
Phone: 07 5522 8788
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Main Contact: president : Dr Peter Nai
Spiritual Director: Venerable Master Hsuan Hua
Notes and Events:
Welcome to Gold Coast Dharma Realm! GCDR is home to Shurangama Monastery and is an affiliate of the Dharma Realm Buddhist Association USA, which was founded by the Venerable Master Hsuan Hua (1918-1995) more than 50 years ago. At GCDR we strive to provide a space for Buddhist education and spiritual practice. Visitors are welcome to join us for meditation classes, mantra and sutra sessions, evening lectures on Buddhism, or a pure vegetarian lunch. We also have an extensive library of Buddhist texts to explore.
Golden Dragon Zen Meditation
Address: 2080 Brookdale Road
Toledo OH 43606
Tradition: Mahayana, Ch'an
Affiliation: Cloudwater Zendo, Cleveland, Ohio
Phone: 4192777582
E-mail: celtperson@hotmail or
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Notes and Events:
Our meditation group is an inclusive space for all to come practice together. We meet every Thursday at 6pm for seated and walking meditation followed by sutra recitation, tea and some time to talk with one another.
We are located in the attic of Toledo Campus Ministry's chapel. The chapel is located right next to TCM's parking lot and is a small stand-alone building.
We are an affiliate of CloudWater Zendo in Cleveland, Ohio a Ch'an Buddhist(Chinese Zen) temple under the direction of Ven. Shih Ying-Fa.
Gomde Israel Sangha
Tradition: Vajrayana, Students of Chokyi Nyima Rinpoche, Tsoknyi Rinpoche, Phakchok Rinpoche and Chokling Rinpoche.
Teacher: Chokyi Nyima Rinpoche
Notes and Events:
מטרתו העיקרית של הבלוג היא לחלוק אינפורמציה אודות פעילויות דהרמה וחדשות דהרמה בין חברי הסנגה. אתם מוזמנים להעלות הודעות בדבר פעילויות של קבוצות תרגול ומסגרות התנדבות בודהיסטיות, ולשתף בהרהורים אודות השיעורים שקיבלנו. במסגרת זו ניתן גם להפיץ גם תרגומים לעברית של כתבים בודהיסטיים.
Gomde Lindholme Hall
Address: Lindholme Island, Hatfield Woodhouse, Doncaster,Yorkshire UK, DN7 6DT Doncaster Yorkshire DN7 6DT
Tradition: Vajrayana, Chokling Tersar - Chokyi Nyima Rinpoche
Phone: +44 (0)1302 842503
Fax: +44 (0)7880 705440
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Notes and Events:
International Centre for the Study & Practice of Tibetan Buddhism
We have a new centre established under the guidance of Chokyi Nyima Rinpoche to help others understand more about Buddhism.
Our aim is to celebrate the teachings of the Buddha and other realised masters of Vajrayana Buddhism. We would like everyone, wherever they are, to feel included in this project so come and visit us.
Regular Meditation Groups: Tuesday evenings 7-9pm.
All are Welcome (please call 01302 842503 for bookings)
Goodwill Meditation Group
Address: c/o 21 Glen Grove
Old Glen Road Newtonmore PH20 1BJ
Tradition: Mahayana, Zen Master Thich Nhat Hanh
Affiliation: Order of Interbeing
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Main Contact: Erica Cleverly Email
Notes and Events:
This is a new Sangha group starting on 11 December 2023. We meet weekly on a Monday evening from 7.00 - 9.00 pm to learn and share meditation practice. As we develop occasional Mindfulness Days will also be offered from time to time.
Gotami Vihara (dedicated Theravada Nuns centre )
Address: K37-C, Jalan TK 1/11A, Taman Kinrara, 47180 Puchong, Selangor
Tradition: Theravada
Affiliation: Support Network for Women Renunciants in Malaysia and Singapore (SNFWREMS
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Notes and Events:
The Vihara will be for both local and visiting nuns to stay either on a short term or longer term basis.
Gotami Vihara is the first dedicated Theravada Nuns centre in Malaysia.
Government Services Buddhist Association
Address: 9/2, Sri Siddhartha Passage,
Kirillapone Avenue,
Colombo 5
Sri Lanka Colombo
Tradition: Theravada
Phone: 0112512667
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Notes and Events:
In relation to Buddhists presently employed in or who were previously employed in the public service:
honesty,efficiency, impartiality and good public relations
To take appropriate action as far as possible in respect of matters affecting those of the Buddhist faith in society.
To work in collaboration with other organisations having objects similar to those of the Association.
To take action for the welfare of the Buddhists in general.
Grafton Peace Pagoda
Address: 87 Crandall Road Petersburgh NY 12138
Tradition: Mahayana
Affiliation: Nipponzan-Myōhōji
Phone: +1 (518) 658-9301. (Please call between 7:00 and 9:00pm)
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Spiritual Director: Jun Yasuda
Notes and Events:
All are welcome to attend morning and evening meditation/chanting sessions held at the recently completed Japanese style temple on the Pagoda grounds.
Spring & Summer Schedule:
Grand Rapids Buddhist Temple
Address: 156 E Fulton Grand Rapids MI
Tradition: Mahayana
Affiliation: Taego Order
Phone: 616-822-2465
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Main Contact: Deok Wun Sunim Email (Phone: 616-822-2465)
Teacher: Deok Wun Sunim
Spiritual Director: Deok Wun Sunim Email (Phone: 616-822-2465)
Notes and Events:
Sunday 10:00am Sunday Service Monday 6:30pm Buddhist-based Addiction Recovery Tuesday & Thursday (45 min) 12:00pm Chanting & meditation 5:30pm Chanting & meditation, except Thursday, which is a public teaching and discussion 3rd Saturday, (Jan – April) 8:00am Morning of Mindfulness Full Moon Each Month 5:30pm Mantra Chanting Meditation.
Granite Forest Sangha
Address: 501 Constitution Avenue Perkasie PA 18944
Tradition: Non-Sectarian, Zen Buddhist Master Thich Nhat Hahn
Phone: 215-453-9983
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Teacher: Bruce Costa
Primary Children's Instructor: Barbara Conroy Email (Phone: 215-453-9983)
Notes and Events:
Our Sangha is especially supportive of new practitioners, so if you've never even tried meditation before, ours is the place for you. Bringing a pillow, blankets, and/or bolster may make sitting on the floor more comfortable. We have chairs if you prefer to use them. Please arrive a few minutes early, enjoy the bench we made for you to remove your shoes, and enter the practice floor silently, so as to support our friends in their mindfulness efforts.
We meet on the first Monday of each month at 8:30 p.m. You are welcome to contact us via our website or, preferably and if you are a member, through
Great Enlightenment Buddhist Institute Society
Address: P.O. Box 430 Montague
Prince Edward Island C0A 1R0 Prince Edward Island
Tradition: Mahayana
Phone: +1(902)969-2328
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Notes and Events:
Great Enlightenment Buddhist Institute Society (GEBIS) is a Canadian registered charitable organization which was incorporated in British Columbia, Canada in 2006, and registered in Prince Edward Island in 2008 and in Ontario in 2013.
After a long and wide search for a location in different continents, GEBIS finally arrived at Prince Edward Island, Canada and set up a global platform for advanced Buddhist education. As of the end of year 2013, more than 800 monastics and 3,000 lay practitioners had attended our meditation programs. These practitioners come from all over the world
The mission of GEBIS is to nurture monks and nuns, religious education workers, spiritual counselors, ministers, and preachers of the Buddhist faith for the twenty-first century. We will accomplish this mission through the development of an officially registered educational institute, Moonlight International Academy, offering advanced education guided by the principles of Buddhist teaching.
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